What Are the Nephilim and Sons of God in the Bible?

Exploring controversial theories about Nephilim and the lustful Sons of God. Were they giants, fallen angels, warrior kings — or aliens?!

Sons of God from Heaven come to Earth to take a human wife

They’ve confounded readers of the Bible for centuries: the Nephilim — those enigmatic giants who, for a brief moment in Genesis 6:1-4, stride across the stage before vanishing into the mists of time. What are we to make of these mysterious figures, and the equally shadowy “sons of God” who, it seems, were quite taken with the local ladies? If you’re expecting a straightforward answer, prepare to be disappointed — or delighted, depending on your taste for ancient mysteries.

When the Bible says the Sons of God took any of the women they chose, there’s no indication that their consent was considered. Today, we’d call that rape. 
Songs of God as old men with white beards appear above a line of topless women

Divine Romances and Giant Offspring

Back when the world was young, shortly after the Creation and the Fall of Man, humanity was multiplying, and somewhere out there, celestial beings were looking down at the burgeoning population of Earth. And what caught their eye? The daughters of men, who, according to the text, were beautiful enough to inspire these sons of God to leave their heavenly abode and mingle with the mortals. The result? The birth of the Nephilim — described as mighty men, heroes of old.

The Nephilim as warrior kings, holding spears, with a horse nearby

It’s a story that practically begs for elaboration, yet Genesis offers little more than a tantalizing sketch. Who are these sons of God? What exactly were the Nephilim — and why do they get only a brief mention before the narrative shifts to the business of the Flood?

Fallen angels grab a woman, with their offspring around them as babies with and without wings

The Dark Side of Divine Romance: Consent? What Consent?

Let’s not sugarcoat this: The sons of God in Genesis aren’t exactly the chivalrous type. When the text says they “married any of them they chose,” we’re not talking about a whirlwind romance or a fairy-tale wedding. No, this is more of a divine free-for-all, where the daughters of men were taken — emphasis on taken — with no indication that their consent was considered. Today, we’d call that rape. 

This little detail turns the story from a mythical dalliance into something much darker. It’s not just about heavenly beings mingling with mortals; it’s about power dynamics and the exploitation of vulnerability. The sons of God are exercising a celestial privilege, and the daughters of men are on the receiving end of a cosmic power play.

Women wail, surrounded by Nephilim babies, with one woman with a baby growing out of her pregnant belly

Some scholars argue that this part of the narrative reflects a broader theme of power imbalance — one that echoes through many ancient myths (including putting the blame on Eve in the Garden of Eden) and even into modern discussions about consent and authority. 

These divine beings, with all their supernatural power, saw something they wanted and took it, consequences be damned. And what were those consequences? Enter the Nephilim, the chaotic offspring of these unions, who were as much a symbol of the moral disorder as they were of physical might.

In this light, the Flood that follows can be seen as more than just a reset button for a world gone wrong; it could be a divine response to the abuse of power. The story’s about what happens when those with power overstep their bounds, and how, in the end, that kind of violation brings about its own downfall.

A Song of God, in flowing robe, approaches a woman who tries to be modest

Sons of God: Angels Gone Wild?

But what exactly were these dubious creatures? One popular interpretation, especially in early Jewish thought, is that the sons of God were fallen angels — divine beings who, perhaps bored or rebellious, decided to have a little fun on Earth. 

This view is championed by the ancient Book of Enoch, a text that didn’t make the biblical cut but still managed to influence a lot of early Jewish thought. In Enoch, these sons of God were explicitly identified as angels who not only fathered the Nephilim but also taught humans all sorts of forbidden knowledge — think weapon-making, sorcery and makeup tips.

The Sons of God teach sorcery and weapon making

If we’re to believe this interpretation, the Nephilim were half-divine, half-human hybrids, giants whose very existence was an affront to the natural order — part of a roster of monsters of the Bible

Genesis 6 reflects an ancient belief in a world teeming with divine beings who sometimes overstepped their bounds, argues Michael Heiser, in his book The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible. The sons of God are best understood as members of the divine council who rebelled against God, leading to the corruption of humanity through their offspring, the Nephilim. This reading positions the Nephilim as symbols of chaos, a divine error that needed correction — cue the Flood.

Illuminated manuscript showing the Nephilim as giants

The Nephilim: They Might Be Giants

Not everyone is on board with the angelic interpretation. Some scholars suggest that the sons of God were actually members of a ruling class — mortal kings or warriors who, through their power and prestige, were seen as godlike. 

In this view, the Nephilim were their offspring, not so much giants in the literal sense but towering figures in terms of reputation and strength. After all, Nephilim is sometimes translated as “fallen ones,” which could just as easily refer to warriors who fell in battle as to beings cast out of heaven.

The story is less about divine transgression and more about setting the stage for the Flood, agrees John Walton in The Lost World of Genesis One. He suggests that the Nephilim and the sons of God are narrative devices used to illustrate the moral decline of humanity. The story reflects the ancient Near Eastern understanding of kingship, where rulers often claimed divine parentage to legitimize their authority. The Nephilim, then, are not the literal giants of later myth but represent the corrupting influence of unchecked power.

illuminated manuscript showing Nephilim as a giant

The Legacy: From Giants to Modern Myth

Whatever their origins, the Nephilim have left a lasting mark on our imaginations. They’ve been linked to everything from the ancient Greek titans to the giant skeletons that pop up in dubious archaeological reports. 

In modern times, the Nephilim have marched their way into modern fiction, appearing as the heroic Shadowhunters in Cassandra Clare’s The Mortal Instruments series — proof that these ancient giants still loom large in our collective imagination.

They’ve even been co-opted by fringe theories and conspiracy buffs, who see in the Nephilim evidence of ancient alien visitations or secret histories suppressed by mainstream scholars. 

Nephilim with aliens and UFOs flying above them

So, what are we left with? A tale of divine beings who might — or might not — have fathered a race of giants, a story that straddles the line between history and myth. –Wally

Who Is Freyja? The Fierce and Enigmatic Goddess of Norse Mythology

Duality defines Freyja, the Norse goddess of love and war, beauty and death. She’s also a powerful sorceress, wielding seid — magic tied to fate, transformation and prophecy.

The Norse goddess Freyja with her falcon garb and armor in her chariot drawn by two big cats

Duke and I adopted a cat from a shelter named Freya — and quickly fell under her spell. I was always more of a Greek and Roman mythology buff than Norse, so my curiosity was piqued — I wanted to know more about the goddess our new kitty was named after. I dove into learning about the goddess, and it soon became clear that our Freya is every bit as beautiful, fierce and wild as her divine namesake, with both embodying a blend of grace, power and an untamed spirit.

Freyja (as it’s most commonly spelled), the Norse goddess of love, beauty, war and magic, both captivates and unnerves. 

Freyja stands as one of the most captivating figures in Norse mythology — a goddess of dualities who embodies beauty and ferocity, love and war, magic and mystery.
Falcons fly by at the Norse goddess Freyja casts a magic spell by the water

What Does Freyja Look Like?

She’s draped in a cloak of falcon feathers, shimmering with the colors of the sunrise — golden and russet hues that catch the light as she moves. 

Her hair, long and flowing like streams of molten amber, contrasts with eyes that seem to hold the mysteries of the cosmos. 

Adorning her neck is Brísingamen, the legendary necklace forged by dwarves in the depths of the Earth. (See the full myth of the necklace below, in which Freyja whores herself out to dwarves.)

The Norse goddess Freyja with wings spread, rides in her chariot, drawn by two lynx-like cats

Freyja’s Chariot

She commands a chariot drawn by two formidable big cats. These silver-furred creatures, known as Bygul and Trjegul, glide with the grace of wild predators, their eyes glowing with the sharp intelligence and cunning of the goddess they serve. 

The chariot moves as if weightless, whether it glides across the earth or soars through the sky. 

The origin of the Norse goddess Freyja, emerging from the sea at dawn

The Origin of Freyja

Back when the cosmos were still untamed, swirling in chaotic mists and shadows, the Vanir emerged from this primal void — gods and goddesses intrinsically tied to nature’s cycles, ancient and wild. Among them was Freyja, born of the sea god Njörðr and sister to Freyr. 

But Freyja’s birth was unlike any other — rumor has it that she emerged from the crashing waves, fully grown, as the saltwater mixed with the dawn’s first light, setting her hair aglow with a golden sheen. (Sounds quite a bit like Aphrodite, doesn’t it?)

From the very start, Freyja carried a duality within her: a grace that could soothe even the most troubled hearts, and a ferocity that could shake the heavens. 

As she grew, her allure was unmatched, yet it was her wisdom in seiðr, the mysterious Norse magic, that truly set her apart. It was said that she could weave the very threads of fate, bend reality to her will and command the elements themselves. Her presence could sway the tides of war, and her tears, when shed, turned into precious amber, glittering tokens of her sorrow and joy.

The Vanir, Freyja’s original tribe, went to war with the Æsir in a conflict that shook the Nine Realms. To establish peace, Freyja played a key role as a mediator. As part of the truce, the Vanir sent Freyja and her family to live with the Æsir — a gesture that underscored her immense value and the high stakes of the agreement.

She craved adventure, adored beautiful things and was never afraid to wield her formidable powers to get what she wanted. This was a goddess who is as multifaceted as the jewels she wears — beautiful and fearsome, compassionate and unyielding, with a touch of mischievous charm. Just like our cat.

Freyja in full armor, holding a sword on a battlefield, as the Norse goddess of war

Goddess of Love and War

Freyja is a goddess of dualities, straddling seemingly opposing forces with effortless grace. She’s most commonly associated with love, beauty and fertility, but she’s far from a simple goddess of romance. Freyja’s love is fierce and complex, reflecting both the sweetness of new beginnings and the passion that can lead to conflict and heartache. 

Her beauty is more than skin deep, tied to the power she wields and the control she exercises over those who desire her favor. Her role in fertility isn’t just about the growth of crops or even the bearing of children — it’s about the vital force of life itself, the energy that sustains both the Earth and its people.

But Freya’s also a goddess of war, presiding over the battlefield in a role similar to that of Odin. Half of those who die in battle are claimed by Freyja, who takes them to her hall, Fólkvangr, while the other half go to Valhalla. This dual role reflects the Norse view of death, where even in war, the concepts of love, honor and sacrifice are deeply intertwined. Freyja’s warriors are chosen not just for their valor but for the passion with which they lived and fought.

Fólkvangr, the hall of the dead ruled over by the Norse goddess Freyja

Freyja’s power also extends into the realm of magic, specifically seiðr — a type of Norse sorcery associated with fate, transformation and prophecy. She’s said to have taught this art to Odin, a significant detail that underscores her mastery of one of the most feared and revered practices in Norse culture. Seiðr allowed her to manipulate the threads of destiny, control the elements and see into the future, making her both respected and dreaded.

Norse goddess Freyja holds dominion over magic, as runes swirls around her as well as falcons
Norse goddess Freyja, surrounded by runes, sees into the future

Freyja’s Symbols and Associations 

Freyja’s symbols further reflect her complex nature. Brísingamen, her radiant necklace, is a source of power and authority. The cats that draw her chariot embody her independence and mystery, as felines have long been associated with both sensuality and cunning. Her falcon cloak, which allows her to take the form of a bird and fly, represents her ability to traverse the boundaries between worlds — between life and death, love and war, magic and reality.

Finally, Freyja’s association with gold and amber, symbolized by the tears she sheds for her missing husband, ties her to the earth’s treasures. These tears, said to be found along the shores of rivers and forests, show how deeply her emotions are connected to the natural world. 

Freyja’s domains make her one of the most complex figures in Norse mythology — her influence extends across all realms, and through her associations, we see a goddess who embodies the full spectrum of human and divine experience.

Brísingamen, the Norse goddess Freyja's gorgeous necklace

Freyja’s Necklace, Brísingamen

It’s a masterpiece of craftsmanship — each link in the chain engraved with ancient runes of power and protection, glowing with an otherworldly radiance. Inset with gemstones that flicker between deep amber and blood-red, it pulses in time with Freyja’s heartbeat, amplifying her beauty and authority, making even gods and giants bow in awe. And like any good Norse artifact, it has its own name: Brísingamen.

The tale of how Freyja came to possess Brísingamen is a perfect blend of ambition, desire and a touch of scandal — exactly the kind of tale you’d expect from the goddess of love and war.

One evening, Freyja was wandering through the forests of Midgard when her eye caught the glimmer of something extraordinary: a necklace unlike any she had ever seen. It was Brísingamen, forged by four dwarves deep within the earth, and it shone with a brilliance that rivaled the stars. Instantly captivated, Freyja knew she had to have it. But dwarves are a tricky bunch — they aren’t easily bribed with gold or treasures. No, these craftsmen had something else in mind.

When Freyja approached them, the dwarves, grinning slyly, made their offer: sleep with each of them, and the necklace would be hers. Now, Freyja isn’t one to shy away from a deal — especially when something as dazzling as Brísingamen is at stake. She weighed her options, considered the price, and agreed. The deal was struck, she had sex with each dwarf in turn — and the necklace was hers, glittering proudly around her neck. 

Norse goddess Freyja offers herself up dwarves in return for the neckace Brísingamen

But not everyone was thrilled by Freyja’s deal.

Loki, the trouble-making trickster, caught wind of the arrangement and couldn’t resist stirring up trouble. He went straight to Odin, gleefully spilling the beans about how Freyja had “negotiated” for her new accessory. Odin was outraged and demanded the necklace be taken from her as a lesson in humility.

Loki, looking a lot like Tom Hiddleston, steals the necklace Brísingamen from Freyja

Loki, always ready to stir the pot, snuck into Freyja’s hall, slipped past her defenses and stole Brísingamen right from under her nose. When Freyja discovered the theft, she didn’t take it lightly. She stormed into Asgard, confronting Odin with a fury that shook the heavens. 

Odin decreed that if Freyja wanted her precious necklace back, she would have to incite a war. And even if Freyja wasn’t particularly keen on Odin’s terms, she knew she wasn’t walking away from Brísingamen. 

The Norse goddess Freyja whispers into a bearded man's ear to start a war

Now, how to start a war? Freyja took a surprisingly subtle approach. She traveled through villages and courts, planting seeds of jealousy, rivalry and greed. Her whispers acted like a slow poison, and soon, those tiny sparks of discord ignited into flames. Neighbor turned against neighbor, tribes clashed over petty slights, and kings sought expansion through conquest. War was declared, and Freyja got her necklace back. 

The giant Thrym holds up Mjölnir, Thor's hammer, which he has stolen

Freyja and Thor’s Hammer

In another myth, Thor woke up one day to find that his beloved hammer, Mjölnir, had vanished. Now, losing Mjölnir isn’t like misplacing your car keys — it’s a catastrophic event that leaves Asgard vulnerable to all sorts of enemies. 

As Thor fumed and threatened to smash anything in sight, Loki (who else?) volunteered to investigate. Using his usual cunning, Loki discovered that the hammer had been stolen by Thrym, a giant with a particularly thick skull and a bad case of greed. Thrym wasn’t interested in riches or glory, though — he had his eyes set on something far more valuable: Freyja.

Thrym sent a message to the gods: “You want the hammer back? Fine, but I want Freyja as my bride in exchange.” 

When Freyja heard the demand, her face turned scarlet, her eyes blazed, and she unleashed a roar so powerful that it caused the very foundations of Asgard to tremble. 

“Do you really think I’d let myself be bartered off like some prize cow?” she thundered, sending all the gods scrambling for cover. 

With Freyja’s refusal made perfectly clear, the gods had to get creative. They hatched a hairbrained plan that could only work in the world of Norse mythology: Thor would disguise himself as Freyja and trick Thrym into giving back Mjölnir. 

So there he was — Thor, the mighty god of thunder, his bulging muscles squeezed into a bridal gown, wearing a veil that barely concealed his thick beard. Loki, never one to miss out on a prank, gleefully played the role of Thor’s maid of honor and accompanied him to Thrym’s hall.

Thor dressed up as a bride to fool the giant Thrym

When Thrym saw his “bride,” he was thrilled — though a little confused by Freyja’s sudden appetite, as she devoured platter after platter of food and drained barrels of ale in one sitting. Loki, quick on his feet, explained that Freyja hadn’t eaten in days, out of excitement for her wedding. Dim-witted Thrym was sold and brought out the hammer as part of the wedding ceremony.

The moment Mjölnir was placed in “Freyja’s” lap, the charade was over. Thor ripped off his veil, seized the hammer, and with a single swing, sent Thrym and his cronies flying. The feast turned into a battlefield, with Thor gleefully smashing his way through the giant’s hall while Loki cackled in the background.

Thor, dressed in a wedding dress as Freyja, used Mjölnir, his hammer, to kill the giant Thrym

The gods returned to Asgard victorious, hammer in hand and no bride sacrificed. And Freyja? She watched the whole spectacle from afar with an amused smirk. 

A giant uses the stallion Svadilfari to build Asgard's defences

Freyja as the Price of Asgard’s Defences

As we have seen, Freyja’s beauty and allure were legendary, which made her a target for unwanted attention — particularly from giants, who always seemed to be scheming for ways to get their hands on her. One such tale involves a giant who came to Asgard with an offer the gods couldn’t refuse…or so he thought.

The giant approached the gods with a bold proposition: He would build a wall around Asgard strong enough to keep out any enemy — an impenetrable fortress that could withstand even the fiercest of attacks. In return, he demanded three things: the sun, the moon and — most importantly — Freyja as his bride. Now, the gods weren’t exactly thrilled about the idea of losing the sun and moon, but the thought of handing over Freyja? Unthinkable.

Still, they figured they could outsmart the giant. After all, he was offering a monumental task, and they were confident that no one could complete such a project in the tight deadline they’d impose. The gods agreed to the deal but insisted that the wall had to be finished within a single season. Thinking they’d bought themselves an easy win, they relaxed…until the giant started making serious progress.

What they hadn’t anticipated was that the giant had a secret weapon: his powerful stallion, Svadilfari, who was hauling massive stones at lightning speed. As the deadline drew near, the gods realized they were in deep trouble. Freyja, fuming at the thought of being handed over like a prize, made it clear that if this deal went south, heads would roll. Literally.

Desperate for a solution, the gods turned to Loki, the trickster they could always count on for a scheme, however unconventional.

Loki didn’t disappoint. “Leave it to me,” he said with a sly grin, already hatching a plan.

That night, under the cover of darkness, Loki transformed himself into a sleek, graceful mare. His shimmering coat caught the moonlight as he trotted toward Svadilfari, the giant’s powerful stallion, who was tirelessly hauling massive stones for the wall.

Svadilfari, enchanted by the sight of this new and alluring horse, immediately lost interest in his work. Loki, in mare form, whinnied coyly, flicked his tail, and galloped into the forest. The stallion, spellbound, followed without hesitation.

The Norse trickster god Loki, disguised as a mare, seduces the stallion Svadilfari, luring him into the woods

What happened in the woods isn’t certain, but let’s just say Loki as a mare was just a bit too entrancing. He ended up pregnant and gave birth to Sleipnir, an extraordinary eight-legged horse with unmatched speed and strength. Sleipnir would go on to become Odin’s trusted steed, capable of crossing realms and outrunning the wind itself.

Meanwhile, with the horse gone, the giant’s progress slowed to a crawl. 

Enraged and realizing he’d been duped, the giant revealed his true form. It was terrifying to behold: His once humanoid features twisted and expanded, his body swelling to an immense size. His skin turned a dark, stony gray, cracked and weathered like ancient rock, with jagged ridges jutting from his shoulders and spine. His eyes burned like molten lava, seething with fury, and his hands became massive, clawed appendages capable of crushing stone. Veins of fiery red pulsed across his body, as if his rage was fueling him from within, and his voice thundered like an earthquake as he roared his fury, shaking the very ground beneath him.

A giant of Norse myth in its true form of jagged rocks and molten lava

But before he could make a move, Thor swooped in and took care of the problem the way he usually does — with a swift blow from Mjölnir, turning the giant into rubble. Crisis averted, the gods celebrated, and Freyja remained free, much to her relief.

Óðr, husband of the Norse goddess Freyja, wandering the worlds

Óðr, Freyja’s Wandering Husband

Freyja is married to Óðr (pronounced “Oh-thur”), a figure shrouded in mystery. His identity has long been debated by scholars. Some suggest that he’s another aspect of Odin, given the similarity in their names and roles as wanderers. If that’s true, it would make Freyja and Frigg — Odin’s wife, and a wise, reserved goddess of domestic life — two sides of the same coin, representing different aspects of a single goddess. 

Óðr, a mysterious figure even by Norse standards, was known for his wanderlust. For reasons unknown, he left Freyja, vanishing into the far reaches of the world. Heartbroken but determined, Freyja set out on a relentless quest to find him, traveling through every corner of the Nine Realms.

In her search, Freyja disguised herself many times, using her falcon cloak to fly over mountains, seas and distant lands. Her journey took her through realms of both gods and mortals, and wherever she went, she asked after Óðr. Yet her search was filled with more questions than answers, and with every door she knocked on, the trail seemed to grow colder. As the days turned into months and the months into years, Freyja’s sorrow became legendary.

The tears she shed in her search turned into shimmering gold or amber as they hit the ground. These tears were found scattered across forests and shores, becoming treasured jewels sought after by mortals and gods alike. Even in her despair, Freyja’s presence brought beauty into the world, a fitting symbol for a goddess whose love and pain are intertwined.

The Norse goddess Freyja cries as she searches for her husband, Óðr, walking past a stream

Despite the depth of her love and the lengths she went to, Freyja’s search for Óðr was ultimately fruitless. Whether he ever returned or remained lost to her, the myths don’t say clearly. What they do tell us, though, is that Freyja’s longing became a part of who she is: a goddess who, despite her formidable powers and fierce independence, knows the sting of loss. It’s this complexity that makes Freyja one of the most relatable figures in Norse mythology. She’s both the mighty goddess who commands the battlefield and the grieving wife searching for the one she loves.

Interestingly, despite her marriage, Freyja remains a goddess whose love is sought after by many. Giants, gods and dwarves alike have tried to win her hand or bargain for her favor. Yet, even when she strikes deals, it’s always on her terms, showcasing her autonomy and power within relationships. Whether she’s using her beauty to achieve her goals or fiercely guarding what she holds dear, Freyja’s never reduced to just a love interest. 

The tale of Freyja’s search for her lost husband, Óðr, is one of longing, resilience, and the deep, bittersweet love that lies at the heart of her myth. Unlike the larger-than-life battles or witty escapades of other gods, this story reveals a more poignant side of the fierce goddess, one that resonates with the universal pain of losing someone dear.

The Norse goddess of beauty, war and magic, Freyja

Freyja, Goddess of Dualities

Freyja stands as one of the most captivating figures in Norse mythology — a goddess of dualities who embodies beauty and ferocity, love and war, magic and mystery. Her stories remind us that power comes in many forms: the strength to fight, the wisdom to weave destiny, and the resilience to seek what’s lost. Much like our own Freya, who prowls the house with a mix of wild grace and playful charm, the goddess Freyja continues to enchant and inspire. –Wally

8 Must-Visit Destinations Across Victoria, Australia

Explore Victoria, Australia: Great Ocean Road, Wilsons Prom, Melbourne, Otways National Park, Phillip Island penguins and more iconic destinations. 

As one of Australia’s smallest (and coldest) states, Victoria is often passed over by international tourists. But the Garden State — as the locals refer to it — is actually packed with some of Australia’s most singular, picture-perfect attractions. 

Alongside being home to the vibrant city of Melbourne — Australia’s cultural hub and coffee capital — Victoria is also home to some of Australia’s most iconic attractions, including the Great Ocean Road, the colorful Brighton Bathing Boxes and, of course, the Melbourne Cricket Ground. 

Today, we’ll be going in-depth with these must-visit attractions, alongside highlighting a few more metro Melbourne and regional Victorian attractions that are essential to any VIC travel itinerary.

Top Attractions in Victoria, Australia 

1. Great Ocean Road

Spanning 151 miles (243 kilometers) across Victoria’s coastline from Torquay to Warrnambool, the Great Ocean Road takes just over four hours to drive from one end to the other. But it’s the journey that makes this great Victorian road trip a must. 

With a myriad of natural sights to see along the way, the Great Ocean Road is best savored rather than sped through. You’ll definitely want to stop and snap some photos at the Twelve Apostles, take a dip at Bells Beach, and explore the redwood forests that dot the Otways National Park.

Keep in mind, however, that accommodation across the Great Ocean Road does fill up in the summer. So if you’re looking to start from the eastern side closer to Melbourne, you’ll want to book one of the hotels in Torquay, Victoria ahead of time. And if you’re starting from the western side around Port Fairy or Warrnambool, I recommend casting a wide net when it comes to securing accommodation. 

Another pro tip: The Great Ocean Road is a popular destination for weekend getaways, so consider a mid-week trip between peak seasons, and you won’t need to fight the traffic.

2. Phillip Island

A waddle of penguins at sunset. Need I say more? To be fair, I should. Because despite Penguin Parade being a worthy attraction anywhere in the universe, there’s more to Phillip Island. A two-hour drive from Melbourne, on the southern side of Mornington Peninsula, Phillip Island ticks as many boxes for a long weekend away from the city as you need.

Big-ticket events? Try the Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix. Culture? The Phillip Island Jazz Festival should have you covered. World-class surfing beaches? How about Cape Woolamai, Cat Bay and Smiths Beach. And for those of you who are travelling with dogs, Phillip Island is also home to many dog-friendly beach walks and hiking trails, which truly makes this beloved holiday destination one that the whole family can enjoy.

3. Bright Township

When you step outside your hotel and take a panoramic look at the backdrop of this town, you’ll experience the full charm of country Victoria, and truly understand the understated appeal of the Garden State. If you go to any country township during your time in Victoria, I highly recommend that it be Bright.

Bright is a small town a short distance west from Mount Bogong and Fall Creek, a region of northeastern Victoria that inspires and excites no matter what season it is. Its idyllic town center is abuzz with tourists in the summer, but Bright arguably comes alive during the colder winter months, providing Melburnians with a snowy respite from the city’s gray weather.

The same icy slopes of Mount Bogong transform into gorgeous hiking trails in the summer, however, making Bright a great destination year-round. Winter or summer, skiing or hiking, mulled wine or artisanal gin — Bright will provide everything you need for a true country getaway, and it’ll provide it well.

4. Wilsons Promontory

You could argue Wilsons Promontory is the jewel to rule all natural jewels in Australia, let alone Victoria — and most people would listen. The southernmost tip of Gippsland, in Victoria’s east, Wilsons Promontory (Wilsons Prom for short) is the kind of place fans of nature daydream about while they watch the office clock.

When you look at a photo taken of Mount Oberon’s summit — and there are plenty, trust us — you’d think Wilsons Prom was as remote as Patagonia. Nothing is further from the truth. This national park is a shade under three hours from Melbourne by car.

Urban Destinations in Victoria 

5. Queen Victoria Market

Melbourne’s a foodie town, there’s no doubt about it. Which means you have to pencil in a visit to the Queen Victoria Market. Life-affirming coffee in hand, it’s the kind of place you can wander at all hours and still feel invigorated by the hustle.

It’s not just a place for food and people watching, though. Summer and winter each have their own spin on the night market, with food trucks and entertainment to keep everyone’s cultural cup full.

6. Brighton Bathing Boxes

If you’re in Melbourne for a few days and the weather suggests a trip to the sea, make it Brighton. No doubt you’ve seen the bathing boxes adorning postcards and Instagram accounts in equal measure. There’s no prize for guessing why: They’re pleasing on the eye, and that’s all they need to be.

The best part? The bathing boxes fall on the Bay Trail, a shared path for cyclists and pedestrians that runs from Melbourne’s CBD (central business district) to Mordialloc in the bay. If you’re staying in the city and feel up for the exercise, rent a bike and ride south.

HANG 10: The Best Aussie Surf Spots

7. Melbourne Cricket Ground

The Melbourne Cricket Ground, or MCG, is a venue that delivers spectacles impressive enough to convert the toughest critic. From the folklore-level Boxing Day Test to the Anzac Day match between footy teams Collingwood and Essendon, the MCG is a memory-making destination like few others.

You don’t even need to be a cricket fanatic to appreciate the sheer scale and atmosphere of this stadium either. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that the MCG is among the most iconic sporting landmarks around the globe, which is precisely why the city of Melbourne uses the stadium for other cultural events, like Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran concerts. So next time you’re heading to Melbourne City, check what’s on at the MCG to experience the stadium for yourself.

8. Art Gallery of Ballarat

Melbourne can’t have all the fun. Take a drive or a trip on the V/Line regional train to Ballarat and visit Australia’s oldest regional gallery. Both the literal and figurative heart of this creative city, the Art Gallery of Ballarat presents visitors with an honest and provocative depiction of Australia’s history through art.

Celebrated for its always active celebration of local artists, this gallery has never strayed from the manifesto that defined its origin: Not for self but for all.

VIC-torious Adventures

Of course, this list is just an entrée. Victoria is a multi-dish banquet, one that’s best enjoyed when you have the right amount of time and flexibility. It’s also a place you’ll want to return to, mark my words. –Charlie Btallent

Exploring Majestic Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon: Your Ultimate Guide

Moss-covered cliffs, glacial rivers and scenic overlooks at Fjadrargljufur Canyon in south Iceland. Get tips on hiking, travel and making the most of this gorgeous natural attraction.

A handsome gay couple stands in front of Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon, ready for a hike

Imagine walking through a landscape that feels straight out of a fairytale, with moss-covered cliffs, glacial rivers and breathtaking viewpoints at every turn. That’s exactly what you’ll experience at Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon, one of Iceland’s most incredible natural wonders. Whether you’re an adventure lover, a photographer or just someone who loves stunning landscapes, Fjaðrárgljúfur (also spelled Fjadrargljufurcanyon and pronounced something like Fyath-rou-ar-glyoo-fur) is a must-visit on your Iceland itinerary.

Fjaðrárgljúfur shot to worldwide fame when Justin Bieber filmed parts of his “I’ll Show You” music video here in 2015.

Since then, visitors have flocked to witness its incredible beauty firsthand.

Ready to explore? Let me take you through everything you need to know, from where it is, how to hike it and why this place will leave you speechless.

Overview of Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon

Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon is a jaw-dropping gorge located in southern Iceland. Carved by the Fjaðrá (Fyath-rou) River over thousands of years, the canyon is about a mile (2 kilometers) long and can reach depths of up to 330 feet (100 meters). Its steep, moss-covered cliffs and flowing river make it one of the most picturesque spots in the country.

What makes it even more special? The canyon is believed to be around 2 million years old, formed during the Ice Age as glacial waters carved their way through the rock. Today, it’s a popular stop for travelers looking to soak up Iceland’s natural beauty and enjoy a peaceful escape into the wilderness.

Fun Fact: Fjaðrárgljúfur shot to worldwide fame when Justin Bieber filmed parts of his “I’ll Show You” music video here in 2015. Since then, visitors have flocked to witness its incredible beauty firsthand.

Where Is Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon?

Located in southern Iceland, Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon is about 155 miles (250 kilometers) from Reykjavik. It’s just a short drive off Iceland’s famous Ring Road (Route 1), making it an easy addition to your Southern Region road trip.

The nearest town to the canyon is Kirkjubæjarklaustur, a small village about 15 minutes away by car. If you’re traveling from Reykjavik, expect the drive to take around 3.5 hours, depending on stops along the way. Trust me, though — the journey is absolutely worth it!

Here are a few ways to get to Fjaðrárgljúfur:

  • By car: Renting a car or camper is the most convenient way to reach the canyon. This gives you the freedom to stop at other incredible sights along the way. If you’re exploring Iceland with wheels, check out these options for campers in Iceland.

  • Guided tours: If you’re short on time or prefer not to drive, many tour companies offer daytrips to south Iceland, including stops at Fjaðrárgljúfur.

Pro Tip: The road to the canyon’s parking area is gravel but well maintained. You don’t need a 4x4 to get there, but drive carefully, especially in winter conditions.

Two women sit and tie the laces on their boots for a hike along Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon in Iceland

Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon Hike

If you love a good hike, you’re in for a treat! The Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon hike offers some of the most incredible views in Iceland and is accessible for almost everyone. Here’s what you can expect:

Hike Overview

  • Distance: About 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) roundtrip

  • Duration: 1 to 1.5 hours

  • Difficulty: Easy (family-friendly)

  • Trail type: Out and back

The trail starts at the Fjaðrárgljúfur parking lot and follows a well-marked path along the canyon’s edge. It’s an easy, gradual hike with multiple viewing platforms where you can stop, take photos and admire the stunning gorge below.

Key Highlights of the Hike

  1. The viewpoints: Along the trail, you’ll come across several scenic overlooks, each offering a unique perspective of the canyon. The Fjarðarárgljúfur viewpoint near the end of the trail is the most spectacular, providing a panoramic view of the canyon and the river winding through it. Trust me — you’ll want to spend some time here just soaking it all in.

  2. Moss-covered cliffs: One of the most magical aspects of Fjaðrárgljúfur is its moss-covered cliffs. The vibrant green moss, combined with the deep canyon walls, creates an almost otherworldly landscape. It’s no wonder photographers love this spot!

  3. The river below: As you hike along the edge, you’ll hear the sound of the Fjaðrá River flowing through the canyon. The water is crystal-clear and adds to the serene, peaceful atmosphere of the area.

Pro Tip: If you want to avoid the crowds, visit early in the morning or later in the evening. The lighting during sunrise or sunset also makes the canyon look even more magical!

Can You Hike Down Into the Canyon?

While the upper trail along the canyon’s edge is open to all visitors, hiking down into the canyon itself is not allowed. This is to protect the delicate moss and the environment, which has been impacted by the growing number of visitors.

But don’t worry — the views from the top are more than enough to take your breath away!

Best Time to Visit Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon

Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon is beautiful year-round, but the experience changes with the seasons:

  • Summer (June to August): The canyon is lush and green, with mild temperatures and long daylight hours. It’s the best time for hiking and photography.

  • Autumn (September to October): The fall colors add a stunning golden hue to the moss and cliffs. Plus, it’s less crowded.

  • Winter (November to March): Snow and ice transform the canyon into a winter wonderland. Just be prepared for slippery trails and limited accessibility.

  • Spring (April to May): As the snow melts, the river flows more powerfully, and the moss begins to return to its vibrant green.

Pro Tip: Summer is the busiest season, so if you’re visiting then, try to arrive early to enjoy the canyon in peace.

Tips for Visiting Fjaðrárgljúfur

  • Wear good shoes. Even though the trail is easy, proper hiking shoes will make it more comfortable, especially in winter.

  • Dress in layers. Icelandic weather is unpredictable, so dress in layers and bring a waterproof jacket.

  • Respect the environment. Stay on marked paths to protect the delicate moss and wildlife.

  • Bring a camera. Trust me, you’ll want to capture the incredible views from every angle.

  • Pack snacks and water. There are no facilities at the canyon, so come prepared.

Why Fjaðrárgljúfur Should Be on Your Iceland Itinerary

If you’re exploring the Southern Region of Iceland, Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon is an absolute must-see. Its combination of natural beauty, easy accessibility and peaceful atmosphere makes it a perfect stop for any traveler. Whether you’re stopping for a quick photo or spending a couple of hours hiking along the edge, this canyon will leave you in awe.

Plus, it’s conveniently located near other south Iceland highlights like Skaftafell, Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon and the famous Diamond Beach. Having a camper or car rental will give you the flexibility to explore it all at your own pace.

Ready to experience this magical place for yourself? Pack your hiking shoes, grab your camera and head to Fjaðrárgljúfur. Trust me — you won’t regret it! –Daniel Bailey


Australia’s Surf Scene: A Down Under Guide to Catching Waves

Ride the swells in Australia with our guide for American surfers. Explore top spots, local slang and tips to carve the waves like a pro in the land of epic surf.

If you think California’s surf scene is gnarly, wait until you paddle out in the land that invented the boomerang. Australia’s surf culture runs deeper than a great white’s feeding ground, and I’m here to help you navigate it like a local.

And if you’re asking yourself: Do U.S. citizens need a visa for Australia? The answer is simple-ish! Most visitors can enjoy the sun, sea and surf with an easy-to-obtain Electronic Travel Authority (ETA). It takes about 15 minutes to apply online, costs less than a good surf wax, and gives you up to three months at a time to chase those Aussie waves. Just make sure to sort it out before you book your flights — nothing turns a ripper into a write-off faster than being turned away at the airport!

The Aussie Surf Vibe: Not Just Crocodile Dundee With a Board

While Americans queue up at dawn for their Starbucks, Australians are lining up at daybreak for their first wave. Surfing isn’t just a sport here — it’s practically a religion. The early-morning surf check is as routine as brushing your teeth, and “gone surfing” is a perfectly acceptable excuse for being late to, well, anything. 

Bondi Beach: The Venice Beach of the Southern Hemisphere

Why It’s a Great Surf Spot
Bondi is a total vibe: golden sand stretching out in a perfect crescent, framed by sandstone cliffs and the sparkling Pacific. The beach buzzes with life, from early-morning surfers carving waves to sunbathers soaking up that famous Aussie sunshine. It’s the kind of place where you’ll find a yogi balancing on one hand near the shoreline, a street artist sketching portraits on the promenade, and someone casually carrying a surfboard while sipping a flat white.

Bondi Beach is a mix of beginner-friendly waves on the north end and powerful breaks on the south end, making it a versatile spot for surfers of all levels.

Things to Note for Surfers

  • Watch for rip currents, especially in the middle of the beach.

  • The south end is a “locals’ zone,” so newcomers should respect the lineup etiquette — people don’t take kindly to cutting the line in their “office.”

What to Do in the Vicinity

  • Take the scenic Bondi to Coogee coastal walk.

  • Relax at Bondi Icebergs club with its iconic oceanfront pool.

  • Browse the local markets or enjoy brunch at trendy cafés.

Gold Coast: California’s Surf Culture on Steroids

Why It’s a Great Surf Spot
Imagine California’s surf scene after it’s had a double espresso and a protein shake — that’s the Gold Coast. With 43 miles of pristine coastline and a reputation for producing world-class surfers, this is where waves and ambition collide. Snapper Rocks and the Superbank are the crown jewels, serving up rides so long you might wonder if you’ve crossed into the next time zone. The energy here is electric, with the lineup packed with everyone from sun-bleached groms (kids) to salty pros chasing the perfect barrel.

Things to Note for Surfers

  • The waves can get crowded, so arrive early for the best conditions.

  • Local surfers are passionate — respect their space and follow lineup rules.

What to Do in the Vicinity

  • Visit the town of Surfers Paradise for dining, shopping and nightlife.

  • Explore Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary to see kangaroos and koalas.

  • Take a hike in the nearby hinterland for waterfalls and lush landscapes.

Bells Beach: The Pipeline of the South

Why It’s a Great Surf Spot
Bells Beach could be considered by many to be a shrine. Tucked along the iconic Great Ocean Road, this rugged stretch of coastline is where legends are made. Home to the Rip Curl Pro, it’s the kind of place where you can almost hear the echo of decades of epic wipeouts and triumphant rides. The waves here are famously consistent, rolling in like clockwork with long, powerful right-handers that draw intermediate and advanced surfers from every corner of the globe. It’s raw, untamed and unapologetically challenging — the kind of spot that demands respect, both from surfers and spectators alike.

Oh, and the backdrop? Towering cliffs and wild Southern Ocean views make it just as breathtaking onshore as off.

Things to Note for Surfers

  • A thick wetsuit is a must — the water is cold year-round.

  • Be prepared for powerful swells, especially during the winter months.

What to Do in the Vicinity

  • Drive along the Great Ocean Road for breathtaking coastal scenery.

  • Visit surf shops in Torquay and learn some history at the Australian National Surfing Museum.

  • Enjoy craft beer at local breweries nearby.

Byron Bay: The Santa Cruz of Australia

Why It’s a Great Surf Spot
Byron Bay is a vibe so laidback, it practically reclines. At its heart lies the Pass, a dreamy stretch of coastline where long, peeling waves create the perfect playground for longboarders. Glide effortlessly down the line as dolphins frolic in the surf beside you, and the lush, green hills roll lazily into the horizon. It’s the kind of spot where time slows down, the water feels warmer, and every ride feels like a postcard moment.

With its bohemian charm and abundant marine life, Byron Bay is as much about soaking in the scenery as it is about catching the perfect wave. Just bring your patience — the lineup here is as crowded as the town’s organic cafés on a sunny weekend.

Things to Note for Surfers

  • Crowds can get heavy, so be patient and respectful in the lineup.

  • Marine life is abundant — dolphins often swim alongside surfers here.

What to Do in the Vicinity

  • Visit the Cape Byron Lighthouse for panoramic views.

  • Explore Byron’s markets, organic cafés and artisan shops.

  • Join a yoga session or enjoy a massage for ultimate relaxation.

Noosa Heads: Gentle Waves and Stunning Scenery

Why It’s a Great Surf Spot
Noosa Heads feels like stepping into a watercolor painting. Nestled on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast, this idyllic spot is a haven for beginners, with its gentle point breaks rolling in against a backdrop of pristine beaches and lush national park. The waves here are so smooth and forgiving, it’s like they’re offering you a hand and saying, “Go on, give it a go.”

But don’t mistake its calm waters for a lack of excitement — Noosa’s charm lies in its rhythm, where the surf hums along to the soundtrack of rustling eucalyptus trees and the occasional kookaburra laugh. Early mornings here are magic, with glassy waves and golden light setting the tone for a perfect day on the water.

Things to Note for Surfers

  • The Noosa Festival of Surfing in March is a highlight for the local surf community.

  • Early mornings are the best time to catch uncrowded waves.

What to Do in the Vicinity

  • Walk through Noosa National Park and spot wildlife like koalas.

  • Shop and dine along Hastings Street.

  • Rent a kayak or paddleboard to explore the Noosa River.

Margaret River: Where Surf Meets Wine Country

Why It’s a Great Surf Spot
Margaret River is where rugged adventure meets refined taste. Known for its powerful swells and dramatic rocky reefs, this stretch of coastline is a proving ground for advanced surfers, with Surfers Point serving as the ultimate stage. The waves here are as bold and intense as the region’s world-famous wines — challenging, rewarding and not for the faint-hearted.

But the magic of Margaret River doesn’t end when you paddle in. After conquering the surf, you can swap your wetsuit for a wine glass, exploring vineyards tucked between rolling hills and limestone caves. It’s a rare mix of adrenaline and indulgence, where you can ride the waves in the morning and toast to your triumphs at sunset.

Things to Note for Surfers

  • The area’s rocky reefs and powerful swells demand caution and skill.

  • A wetsuit is recommended, especially during cooler months.

What to Do in the Vicinity

  • Tour world-class wineries and sample gourmet food.

  • Explore limestone caves like Jewel Cave.

  • Hike the Cape to Cape Track for incredible coastal views.

A Quick Guide to Aussie Surf Slang

Before you paddle out, let's get your lingo sorted — nothing gives away a tourist faster than blank stares at the lineup when locals start chatting. While Aussie surf talk is often strewn with slang, mastering a few key terms will help you blend in faster than a dolphin in the deep blue.

  • blowie: A blow-in, or a surfer who’s not local to the area

  • bommie: A submerged reef or rock where big waves break

  • corker: A fantastic wave or session (“That was a corker of a wave!”)

  • heaps: Very or lots (“Them waves were heaps gnarly!”)

  • rip: Rip current, but also excellent (“That session was rip!”)

  • ridgy-didge barrel: An epic, perfect tube

  • salty: An experienced surfer who spends lots of time in the water

Practical Tips for American Surfers in Australia

Timing Your Trip

March to May offers the best combination of good waves and comfortable temperatures along the east coast. The crowds are thinner, and you might score some epic swells in the autumn (this is the Southern Hemisphere, so the seasons are reversed). 

Board Rental vs. Bringing Your Own

Most major surf spots offer quality rentals, saving you the hassle of international board transport. However, if you’re planning an extended stay, many airlines offer decent rates for board bags to Australia.

Local Knowledge

Australians are generally friendly and love sharing their waves with visitors — as long as you show respect. Don’t be afraid to ask for advice about local conditions, but maybe buy them a beer first.

Safety First

Remember, everything in Australia can kill you (kidding…mostly). But seriously:

  • Always check for rip current warnings.

  • Pay attention to jellyfish advisories up north.

  • Learn local emergency signals.

  • Never surf alone at remote breaks.

The Coffee Factor

Australian surf culture and coffee culture are inseparable. Learn to love flat whites and long blacks — they’re all part of the experience. Plus, the post-surf coffee ritual is where you’ll get the best local tips.

Beyond the Breaks

Australian surf culture extends well beyond the waves. Beach barbecues, surf music festivals and board-riding clubs are all part of the scene. Dive in and participate — it’s the best way to experience authentic Aussie surf culture.

Some of the Best Surfing in the World

Surfing in Australia offers American wave riders a familiar yet distinctly “other” experience. The waves might speak the same language, but the accent is definitely different. Just remember when an Australian says a wave is “heaps good,” they probably mean it’s way better than you’re imagining. And when they say the surf's “rough,” they might mean it’s time to call your insurance company.

Welcome to Australian surf culture, where the waves are plenty and there’s always room for one more in the lineup — as long as you wait your turn, sport! –Sabine Reynolds


What Makes Nauru Citizenship Unique? A Closer Look

The small nation’s citizenship program is an intriguing option for those seeking security, global mobility and sustainability opportunities.

Woman in flowy bohemian dress looks at the unique rock formations of Nauru

When we talk about acquiring a second citizenship, Nauru often isn’t the first name that comes to mind. Yet, this small island nation offers a standout opportunity that sets it apart. 

What makes Nauruan citizenship truly distinct is its emphasis on contributing to the island’s sustainable development. The program is a chance to be part of something bigger: helping a nation build resilience against climate challenges. The process also involves comprehensive due diligence, ensuring only those who align with these values can join the Nauruan community.

By making a significant financial contribution (US$105,000 for a single applicant; $110,000 for a family up to four, for example), applicants not only gain citizenship but also support Nauru’s sustainable development initiatives.

In addition, Nauru’s geographical position in the South Pacific and its neutrality provide a safe haven in uncertain times. Families considering this opportunity can benefit from a passport offering visa-free travel to numerous destinations, enhancing their global reach with added security and flexibility. 

Aerial view of homes on the island nation of Nauru

The Geopolitical Significance of Nauru

Smallest Independent Republic

Nauru is known as the smallest independent republic in the world. This tiny island nation has a land area of just 8.1 square miles (21 square kilometers). 

Because of its small size, Nauru faces challenges in terms of resources and infrastructure. As a result, international cooperation is key to its development. Nauru’s compactness also makes its governance model unique. Policy decisions can be efficient, and local engagement is high. This intimate setting fosters a strong sense of community and identity among its citizens.

Strategic Location in the South Pacific

Despite its diminutive size, the country has recently gained geopolitical significance through its diplomatic realignments. In January 2024, Nauru formally severed ties with Taiwan and established diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China, a move that has attracted considerable regional attention.

This strategic shift reflects the complex geopolitical dynamics of the Pacific, where small nations can play an outsized role in diplomatic negotiations. Australia has responded by strengthening its bilateral relationship with Nauru, recently signing a deal that provides financial support while seeking to maintain strategic influence in the region.

Nauru’s location also means it has a role in environmental discussions, particularly those concerning ocean conservation and climate change in the Pacific region. As a result, Nauru remains an active participant in regional discussions that affect its future and the broader South Pacific.

Island life with people fishing, beach huts and preparing food on Nauru

Nauru Citizenship Program Overview

Citizenship by Investment

The Nauru Citizenship by Investment Program, officially known as the Nauru Economic and Climate Resilience Citizenship Program, is a gateway for individuals seeking global mobility and security. By making a significant financial contribution (US$105,000 for a single applicant; $110,000 for a family up to four, for example), applicants not only gain citizenship but also support Nauru’s sustainable development initiatives. The program is tailored for investors committed to ethical and impactful contributions, ensuring alignment with the nation’s values.

This program aims to boost Nauru’s sustainable development and climate change resilience efforts. By working with licensed agents, applicants undergo a thorough due diligence process, ensuring legitimate and ethical investments. 

The program aligns with investment migration strategies, opening business opportunities in regions where Nauru has favorable agreements, making it a strategic choice for expanding global mobility and market access.

A foreign family sits on the beach by their straw-roofed house on the water in Nauru

Family Members Inclusion

An appealing aspect of the Nauru Citizenship Program is the inclusion of family members. You can extend citizenship to your immediate family: spouses, children and sometimes even parents, under specific conditions.

This inclusion means your loved ones can enjoy the benefits of second citizenship, such as visa-free travel and better access to education and healthcare. The application process requires documentation for each family member, with considerations for their age and relationship to the applicant. 

A man in suit takes the Nauru citizenship oath at a formal ceremony with flowers

Oath of Allegiance and Certificate of Citizenship

The journey to citizenship culminates in the Oath of Allegiance, a key requirement for officially becoming a Nauruan citizen. It symbolizes the commitment to Nauru and its community. 

Receiving the Certificate of Citizenship is the final step. This document is proof of your new status and grants you the rights and responsibilities of Nauruan citizenship. 

Advantages of Nauruan Citizenship

Nauruan citizenship offers multiple perks that can be beneficial for global mobility, professional growth and economic opportunities. Let’s break down the key advantages.

Two women hold suitcases on the bow of a small boat at a dock in Nauru

Visa-Free Access and Global Mobility

Nauruan citizenship provides visa-free access to 89 countries. This means you can travel to places like Hong Kong and Singapore without the hassle of visas. This perk enhances your global mobility, allowing countless opportunities for business and leisure. Hassle-free travel not only saves time but also enhances your ability to make international connections quickly and efficiently.

Dual Citizenship and Second Passport Option

Holding Nauruan citizenship allows you the flexibility of dual citizenship. You can maintain your current citizenship while enjoying the benefits of an additional Nauruan passport. This second passport becomes an asset, offering a safety net in times of uncertainty. 

Businesswoman in pastel floral blazer and skirt in front of modern building in Nauru

Economic and Professional Opportunities of Nauruan Citizenship

Nauruan citizenship opens doors to new economic and professional opportunities. With the country’s focus on infrastructure development and renewable energy, there are business prospects for investors and professionals. Additionally, there are significant tax advantages designed to attract high-net-worth individuals and businesses. Being part of Nauru’s economic growth allows you to tap into emerging markets, creating room for potential ventures and collaborations.

A team uses nets as part of a biodiversity project with fish and coral in Nauru

Investing in Environmental Sustainability

In Nauru, we invest in environmental sustainability by focusing on renewable energy and preserving our natural surroundings. We aim to decrease dependence on fossil fuels that contribute to global warming.

Our approach also supports biodiversity. By implementing measures to protect local flora and fauna, we strive to preserve ecosystems that are crucial for maintaining climate balance. Efforts in climate finance aid this initiative by funding sustainability projects that work to protect our island’s fragile environment.

A team works by a rock wall in the water planting mangroves with big root clusters as part of a flood mitigation project in Nauru

Addressing Climate Crisis Solutions

Facing the climate crisis, Nauru actively seeks out innovative solutions to mitigate environmental impacts. Developing climate resilience is essential for us as a Small Island Developing State (SIDS), as we are on the frontlines of climate change impacts such as rising sea levels.

To combat these issues, we engage in international collaborations, sharing resources and expertise with other SIDS. By aligning with global frameworks, we strengthen our climate resilience, helping ensure that our community is prepared to face challenges head-on.

Sustainable Development Projects

By investing in infrastructure that withstands the impacts of climate change, we hope to achieve economic growth while protecting the environment. Our projects often include environmental preservation initiatives to safeguard the island against erosion and other climate-related threats. This dual focus on sustainability and development is designed to help Nauru thrive despite environmental challenges.

A woman sits at a desk doing a background check on another woman

Rigorous Due Diligence Procedures

Our due diligence process is designed to be as thorough as possible. Each applicant goes through a series of checks to confirm their personal and professional history. These checks include background investigations.

We assess applicants for any potential risks. Whether it’s financial stability, previous legal issues or any governance concerns, we leave no stone unturned. These rigorous procedures ensure that our applicants align with both our values and national security interests.

A smiling gay couple stands in front of their wood home in Nauru

Becoming a Citizen of Nauru

Nauru’s citizenship program is a rare blend of global mobility, ethical investment and a commitment to sustainability. By choosing this path, investors gain more than a passport; they contribute to a resilient future for a nation facing climate challenges. –Andrew Williams

4 Tips for Winter Wilderness Travel

Wilderness travel in cold weather isn’t for the faint of heart — but the jaw-dropping views are worth it. Here’s how to stay warm, safe and ready for adventure in the wild.

A couple snowshoe in the snow past a fox and deer

When it comes to wilderness travel in the winter, unless you’re prepared, you might have to go full Bear Grylls — yes, that could mean drinking your own pee to stay hydrated.

I’m joking…kind of. But winter wilderness adventures are no casual stroll through the snow. The landscapes might be jaw-dropping — mountains capped like frosted cupcakes, lakes frozen into sheets of glass — but they come with a bite sharper than the cold itself.

This one sounds obvious, but a cute hat and gloves set from Zara won’t cut it when you’re halfway up a mountain wondering if frostbite actually does turn your fingers black.

If you’re trading tropical resorts for trails and frost, a little prep goes a long way. Here are four essential tips to help you survive, thrive and soak in those wild winter views…without losing your mind—or your fingers.

A soft yellow suitcase is filled with winter clothing

1. Make sure you have the right clothing. 

This one sounds obvious, but a cute hat and gloves set from Zara won’t cut it when you’re halfway up a mountain wondering if frostbite actually does turn your fingers black. Winter wilderness adventures are cold — like, “I can see my breath inside my tent” cold — and surviving them means dressing like you’re preparing for battle.

Start with layers:

  • A moisture-wicking base layer to keep sweat off your skin (yes, you’ll still sweat, even in the cold)

  • An insulating fleece or wool mid-layer to trap body heat like your life depends on it

  • A waterproof, windproof outer layer to fend off the elements — snow, sleet, or that icy wind that feels personal

Add in insulated boots, thermal gloves (mittens work even better), and a hat that actually covers your ears. Bonus points for bright clothing: When you’re in the wild, being easy to spot can come in handy.

Trust me, when you’re ankle-deep in snow, you’ll thank yourself for choosing function over fashion — though nobody’s stopping you from adding a little flair with a neck gaiter that screams, “I’m still fabulous in subzero temps.”

A woman hiker stands on a path in the woods

2. Stick to designated routes. 

Straying off the path sounds romantic, until you’re knee-deep in snow, lost and wondering if this is how the “found frozen like a popsicle” story ends. Stick to marked routes — they’re safer, they’re scenic, and they exist for a reason.

Some of the world’s best winter trails are ready to dazzle you:

A woman with poles walks through a snowy forest

Appalachian Trail, USA: While the Appalachian Trail stretches over 2,000 miles, winter hikers flock to its New England portions. Think snow-draped pines, frozen streams and that eerie quiet you only get in deep winter. Just make sure to check trail conditions — what’s charming one day can turn treacherous the next.

Icicles hang down as a person walks in the snow in Banff National Park

Banff National Park, Canada: Banff in winter is pure magic: frozen waterfalls, ice-blue lakes and peaks that look airbrushed. The Johnston Canyon Ice Walk is a must — stalactites of ice hang like chandeliers, and the sound of your boots crunching through the snow feels like you’re exploring Narnia.

A person stands by a yellow tent by a fjord in Trolltunga, Norway

Trolltunga, Norway: Trolltunga’s iconic cliff juts out over a fjord like it’s daring you to stand on it. In winter, it’s quieter, snow-dusted and utterly surreal — but the trek there? It’s no joke. Plan wisely, and you’ll be rewarded with a view so pristine it feels stolen from another world.

A person hikes in the snow at the Tongariro Alpine Crossing, New Zealand

Tongariro Alpine Crossing, New Zealand: It’s a far cry from the summer beaches of New Zealand. Volcanoes, snow and steaming vents — Tongariro in winter is otherworldly. The trail weaves through stark, frozen landscapes that look straight out of The Lord of the Rings. Just don’t underestimate the weather; it changes faster than you can say, “Mount Doom.”

Whether you’re hiking, snowshoeing or just trying to look epic for Instagram, respect the routes. They’ll take you to the kind of sights you’ll remember forever — without the risk of becoming a search-and-rescue story.

A woman talks on a two-way radio in the snowy wilderness

3. Pack a tech survival kit. 

Imagine this: You’re halfway along a snow-covered trail, surrounded by quiet pines and skies so crisp you’d swear they’re freshly washed. It’s peaceful — until a sudden fog rolls in, and you realize you’ve got no signal, no map and no idea where the path went.

That’s where a tech survival kit saves the day. Whether you’re battling the wilderness or just your questionable sense of direction, pack these essentials:

  • Offline GPS maps: Your smartphone or a GPS device with pre-downloaded maps can help get you out of a bind when the signal ghosts you.

  • Portable charger or power bank: Cold weather drains batteries fast. Keeping devices juiced up can be a literal lifesaver.

  • Personal locator beacon (PLB): These SOS devices transmit your location to rescue teams when things take a turn.

  • Headlamp with spare batteries: Winter means short days and long nights; visibility isn’t optional.

  • Two-way radios: When you’re hiking in a group, radios help you stay connected even in signal-free zones.

And because we’re all human, let’s be real: After a long day of freezing toes and conquering trails, you’ll want to kick back in your cabin and stream your favorite show. A VPN keeps your data safe on sketchy public Wi-Fi and bypasses geo-blocks. Fear not: It’s easy to learn how to choose the right VPN, so you can binge guilt-free. 

A man sits on a log eating snacks in the snow, with his poles and backpack next to him

4. Don’t forget the snacks and hydration. 

Here’s the thing about winter wilderness travel: Your body works overtime just to keep you warm. That means you’re burning calories like you’re training for an ultra-marathon — only you’re trudging through snow instead of sprinting.

Pack snacks that are high in energy and easy to eat on the go. Think:

  • Nuts and trail mix: Nature’s perfect snack for energy and crunch

  • Dried fruit: Portable, sweet and packed with quick calories

  • Energy bars: Compact fuel that’ll keep you moving without stopping for a meal

  • Chocolate: Because it’s delicious, and you deserve it

And don’t forget water! It’s easy to think you’re fine when you’re not sweating buckets, but dehydration in the cold sneaks up faster than you’d expect. Insulated bottles will keep your water from turning into an ice block, and if you’re feeling fancy, pack a thermos with hot tea, cocoa or broth — it’s like a warm hug when your fingers are starting to question your life choices.

Winter wilderness rule of thumb? When in doubt, snack and sip. Your body (and your mood) will thank you when you’ve got the energy to enjoy those views instead of fantasizing about the closest cheeseburger.

Two people walk along a forest trail in the snow

Wilderness Travel: Stay Chill and Don’t Freeze

Winter wilderness travel is as breathtaking as it is unforgiving. With the right gear, routes, tech and snacks, you’ll be ready to brave the cold and soak in the silence, the snow and the kind of views that are worth every icy step.

So, layer up, grab that thermos and get out there — the wild is waiting, and it’s not about to warm up for you. –Lucy Roberts

New Horizons: How Living Abroad Will Challenge and Change You

Discover how living abroad shatters old perspectives, immerses you in vibrant cultures, and enriches your life in ways you never imagined.

A diverse group of friends from all around the world have dinner together

Packing your bags and leaving behind the comforts of home for a foreign land is a journey of courage and discovery. The first time you wander into a grocery store abroad and realize you can’t decipher half the labels, you’ll feel it. The moment you attempt to order a coffee and inadvertently insult someone’s grandmother in their native tongue, it hits you again. Living abroad doesn’t just transform your worldview; it flips it upside down, shakes out the loose change, and hands it back to you a little more wrinkled but infinitely richer.

This isn’t a vacation. It’s real life, lived through the lens of another culture, and it will challenge every “normal” you’ve ever known. Whether you’re discovering the joy of a two-hour siesta or enduring the agony of a midnight call to your bank back home, the journey forces you to adapt, learn and grow in ways you didn’t know you needed. And, spoiler alert: You might not even recognize the person you’ve become by the end of it.

Living abroad is about collecting moments that transform you, piece by piece, into a more resourceful, curious and confident version of yourself.

Living abroad isn’t for the faint of heart. But for those brave enough to take the leap, the rewards — personal growth, cultural immersion and an entirely new perspective — are worth every awkward interaction and misplaced piece of luggage.

Understanding the Decision: The Moment You Choose Adventure Over Comfort

Deciding to uproot your life and move abroad is rarely a spur-of-the-moment decision (unless you’re running from something — and that’s a different article entirely). For most, it begins with a whisper: a curiosity about what life could look like beyond the borders you’ve always known. Maybe it’s a chance to study abroad, a late-night Google search about expat life in Paris or a conversation with a friend who couldn’t stop raving about their year in Tokyo. Slowly, the whisper grows louder, turning into a call for adventure.

But let’s be honest — this isn’t just about chasing sunsets and Instagrammable skylines. The decision to move abroad means stepping away from the familiar. It’s about weighing the excitement of discovering new cultures, foods and friendships against the inevitable challenges: learning to navigate a bureaucracy in a foreign language, figuring out how to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius without melting your brain, or realizing you’ll have to start from scratch to find “your” coffeeshop.

A man walks through a gay neighborhood

For some, the tipping point comes when the allure of growth outweighs the comfort of routine. You recognize that the risks — getting lost, feeling out of place, battling homesickness — are part of the reward. After all, what’s life without a little discomfort? It’s in those awkward, uncertain moments that transformation begins.

And here’s the best part: You don’t need to have it all figured out before you go. Sure, research helps (read: do not move abroad without understanding visa requirements), but the decision to move is more about courage than preparation. The logistics will follow. What matters is that first step — the one where you decide to trade the known for the unknown and see what kind of person you’ll become when the world opens its arms to you.

Overcoming Initial Challenges: The Beautiful Chaos of Starting Over

Moving abroad is exhilarating — until you try to buy toothpaste and accidentally grab denture cream because you didn’t understand the label. The honeymoon phase of living abroad fades quickly when you’re grappling with language barriers, societal norms that seem to make no sense, and the gnawing ache of homesickness. But here’s the truth: Every misstep is a building block in your transformation.

Partnering with a professional international mover can take the edge off the chaos of relocating, letting you save your energy for the real adventure — settling in and making your new home feel like yours.

Because, of course, there’s plenty to deal with when you move abroad, starting with the language barrier. If you thought a quick Duolingo streak would make you fluent, welcome to reality. Whether it’s fumbling through a dinner order or mispronouncing the name of your own street, language barriers can be humbling. But they’re also hilarious and oddly unifying. Smiling, pointing and a little humility go a long way. Bonus tip: Learn the phrase for “I’m sorry” immediately — it will be your best friend.

Then there’s the culture shock. Maybe you’re thrown by the fact that people in Spain eat dinner at 10 p.m., or you’re wondering why no one in Germany jaywalks even when the street is empty. The trick? Lean in. Observe. Adapt. It’s less about becoming a local overnight and more about showing respect for the way things are done while finding your own rhythm.

And yes, homesickness is real, even if you swore you wouldn’t miss your cousin’s weekly game nights. But you’ll survive. Create a support network early — join expat groups, take a class, or become a regular at a local café where someone eventually remembers your name (or at least your coffee order).

The secret to overcoming challenges abroad isn’t perfection — it’s perseverance. Every wrong turn, awkward moment and unexpected obstacle is a chance to build resilience. The struggles don’t just toughen you up; they make the victories — like successfully navigating a foreign pharmacy — feel like winning the lottery. Keep going. The chaos is part of the beauty.

Building Relationships Across Borders: Turning Strangers Into Your Global Family

When you move abroad, relationships become your lifeline. The good news? Living in a new country is like speed-dating for friendships — your shared adventures (and misadventures) with locals and fellow expats form bonds that run deep and fast. The bad news? Building these relationships takes effort, patience and a willingness to embrace awkward moments.

Start with the locals. Whether it’s your neighbor who politely chuckles at your botched pronunciation or the barista who teaches you how to order coffee properly, these small connections are the seeds of something bigger. Pro tip: Show genuine interest in their culture. Ask about traditions, learn a few key phrases in their language, and, for the love of everything holy, never compare their country unfavorably to your own. You’re here to connect, not critique.

Then there’s the expat community — a band of misfits just as lost as you are. These are the people who will help you figure out how to open a local bank account or commiserate over your craving for peanut butter (if you’re lucky, one of them smuggled some in their suitcase). Expats may not always share your cultural background, but they’ll share your journey, creating a uniquely diverse support system.

Building relationships abroad is about growth. Every interaction teaches you something new — about others, about yourself and about the world. You’ll learn to navigate cultural differences, appreciate new perspectives, and, most importantly, laugh at yourself when you inevitably make mistakes.

These connections often become your global family — people who will send you postcards from their next adventure and crash on your couch when they’re passing through. They’ll remind you that home isn’t just a place; it’s a feeling. And that feeling? It grows stronger with every relationship you build across borders.

Cultural Immersion: A New Lens on Life

Cultural immersion isn’t just about snapping selfies at festivals or trying the local delicacies (though both are highly encouraged). It’s about stepping into the rhythm of a place, seeing the world through its people’s eyes, and letting their traditions reshape your own understanding of life. Spoiler alert: It’s going to be messy, humbling — and utterly transformative.

The first step? Leave your tourist mindset at the airport. Cultural immersion means going beyond the guidebook highlights and diving headfirst into the quirks and nuances of daily life. Learn to love the things that feel strange at first — whether it’s eating soup for breakfast in Vietnam or navigating the labyrinth of Italian bureaucracy with more patience than you thought humanly possible.

The key to immersion is curiosity. Ask questions about traditions, try your hand at local customs and don’t be afraid to mess up. Attempting to master a salsa step at a neighborhood party or fumbling through a traditional toast at a wedding might make you feel foolish in the moment, but those experiences are where the magic happens.

And let’s not forget the food. If you’re not exploring a country’s culture through its cuisine, you’re missing half the story. That doesn’t mean you have to love everything you try (I’m looking at you, pickled herring), but tasting unfamiliar dishes opens a window into the heart of a culture.

True cultural immersion happens in the little things: chatting with the street vendor who sells your morning coffee, celebrating a local holiday with your coworkers, or simply watching life unfold from a park bench. It’s in these moments that you begin to see the world not as a collection of “others,” but as a vibrant, interconnected tapestry.

By the time you’ve fully embraced the culture, something remarkable happens — your perspective shifts. You stop seeing your host country as “different” and start seeing it as a part of you. That new lens? It stays with you, coloring every experience long after you’ve packed your bags.

How Living Abroad Can Transform Your Worldview: A Lesson in Seeing Differently

Living abroad doesn’t just expand your horizons; it dismantles them entirely. It challenges the very foundations of what you once believed to be universal truths — like the “right” way to line up for something, what’s considered a delicacy, or how loud is too loud on public transport. If you’re living abroad in China, for example, you’ll have to give up Facebook for the time being.

You’ll learn that there is no universal truth, only cultural preferences. And once you learn to let go of your assumptions, the transformation begins.

It’s about seeing the world — and yourself — with new eyes. You’ll learn to navigate not just unfamiliar streets but unfamiliar perspectives, realizing that what you once thought was “weird” is simply different.

Take stereotypes, for example. Living abroad forces you to confront them head-on. Spend enough time immersed in another culture, and you’ll start noticing the nuances that stereotypes miss. You might be surprised to have your ideas of gender norms challenged, like how the masculine ideal in Bali is wearing a skirt and putting a flower behind your ear. 

The “reserved” Brit might just be hilariously witty after their second pint, and the “effortlessly chic” Parisian has likely perfected the art of looking fabulous while walking a barking dog and juggling a baguette. 

Everyday moments become lessons in humility and curiosity. Whether it’s figuring out how to recycle in a country with six different bins (and none of them labeled in your language) or experiencing a holiday you’ve never heard of, living abroad teaches you to question, adapt and appreciate. These moments strip away arrogance and replace it with empathy.

Perhaps the most profound change is how you begin to see your own culture. Stepping outside it allows you to notice the unspoken rules, the traditions, and even the contradictions you once took for granted. You’ll find yourself defending some aspects and cringing at others, but always with a deeper understanding of where you come from.

In the end, the greatest gift of living abroad is perspective. You’ll learn to see the world as a mosaic of cultures, each with its own beauty, challenges and wisdom. And maybe — just maybe — you’ll find yourself a little less certain of your own answers and a lot more curious about everyone else’s.

A woman teaches in a classroom in Asia

Personal Growth Through New Experiences: Trial, Error and Triumph

Living abroad has a way of turning the mundane into the extraordinary — or at least the unexpected. You thought you’d just be buying groceries, but now you’re in an intense pantomime with a shopkeeper trying to explain that you need baking soda, not powdered sugar. Each small victory, each tiny failure, becomes part of your growth story.

Adapting to a new culture tests you in ways you never saw coming. That first attempt to navigate public transit? It might end with you on the wrong side of town, hungry and clutching a map like a relic from a bygone era. But by the second or third attempt, you’re navigating like a local — or at least blending in enough to fake it.

The real magic of these experiences lies in what they teach you. Forget the classroom; this is real-world problem-solving at its finest. Need to pay a utility bill but can’t read the instructions? You’ll learn to ask for help, overcome language barriers and maybe even laugh at your own ineptitude. These moments of trial and error sharpen your adaptability and build a quiet confidence that sneaks up on you when you least expect it.

And then there’s the joy of trying something new just because you can. Taking a pottery class in Kyoto, attempting flamenco lessons in Seville, or trying street food that looks like it might fight back — these experiences push you beyond your comfort zone, sometimes literally. Each one stretches your perspective and shows you how capable you really are.

The beauty of personal growth abroad is that it doesn’t stop when you move somewhere else. The resilience you develop while figuring out life in another country sticks with you. It shapes how you handle challenges, interact with others and view the world. By the time you’ve returned home — or moved on to your next adventure — you’re no longer the same person who stepped off that plane.

Living abroad is about collecting moments that transform you, piece by piece, into a more resourceful, curious and confident version of yourself.

Professional Opportunities in a Globalized World: More Than Just a Fancy Line on Your Résumé

Living abroad csn also supercharge your career in ways you probably didn’t anticipate. Sure, it’s a killer talking point in interviews, but the professional benefits of an international stint go far beyond a polished anecdote about that time you negotiated a deal in a foreign language.

First, there’s the adaptability factor. Employers love a candidate who can roll with the punches, and nothing says “I can handle pressure” like navigating a workplace where meetings happen over three-hour lunches, deadlines are “suggestions,” or office etiquette includes kissing your boss on both cheeks. 

Then there’s cross-cultural communication. Working abroad teaches you to find common ground with people who may not share your language, background or sense of humor. Whether it’s collaborating with a diverse team or working with a client from a culture entirely different from your own, these skills are invaluable in today’s interconnected job market. And let’s not forget: Being able to mediate between the office tea enthusiasts and the coffee loyalists is a skill in itself.

Exposure to different work environments also gives you a fresh perspective on problem-solving and innovation. Maybe your time in Japan taught you the value of precision, or your stint in Brazil showed you how to embrace flexibility. These lessons don’t just make you a better employee — they make you a more thoughtful and resourceful one.

And the professional growth doesn’t stop at soft skills. Many industries actively seek out candidates with international experience, particularly if they’ve picked up a second (or third) language along the way. Companies operating in a global market value employees who can navigate cultural complexities with ease — and who understand that mañana doesn’t always mean tomorrow.

Living abroad also broadens your network. The connections you make — colleagues, mentors and even that woman from HR who always knew the best lunch spots — can open doors to opportunities you never imagined. These relationships often transcend borders, becoming valuable assets as your career evolves.

Ultimately, professional growth abroad complements personal growth, creating a well-rounded, globally minded individual. Employers notice that. And while living abroad might begin as an adventure, it often ends with a career advantage that lasts a lifetime.

The Journey Home: Seeing the Familiar Through Fresh Eyes

Coming home after living abroad isn’t as simple as unpacking your suitcase and falling back into old routines. It’s a full-circle moment that challenges you in unexpected ways. You’ve changed. Your worldview is broader, your patience (hopefully) longer, and your stories far more entertaining. But the place you once called home? That hasn’t changed nearly as much, and that’s where the real adjustment begins.

At first, you may feel like a stranger in your own life. The roads are the same, but they somehow look smaller. The conversations feel familiar, but you’re itching to share stories of that café in Rome where the barista knew your name, or how you mastered the art of haggling in a bustling Moroccan souk. Don’t be surprised if your enthusiasm is met with glazed-over eyes — reverse culture shock is real, and not everyone will understand the depth of your transformation.

But it’s not all disconnection. Distance gives you perspective, and perspective brings clarity. You’ll notice the beauty in things you once overlooked — like the smell of a family dinner or the comfort of hearing everyone around you speak the same language. You’ll also see cracks you didn’t notice before, whether it’s outdated customs or societal blind spots that now stand out against the broader cultural tapestry you’ve experienced. Maybe, after living abroad in Qatar, where booze is monitored and hard to get, you find yourself less of a lush.

Coming home is also an opportunity. It’s a chance to blend the best of both worlds: the traditions and values of your home country with the lessons and habits you’ve picked up abroad. Maybe you’ll bring home a love for siestas or a newfound commitment to public transport. Maybe you’ll start cooking dishes from your host country, turning dinnertime into a celebration of your journey.

And the reintegration process might inspire more than nostalgia — it might spark change. Living abroad doesn’t just transform how you see the world; it changes how you want to interact with it. You may find yourself advocating for more diversity in your community, traveling more consciously, or simply encouraging others to step out of their comfort zones.

In the end, the journey home is just as transformative as the one that took you abroad. It’s a chance to reflect on who you were, who you’ve become and who you want to be. And while home may feel different, that’s the point — it is different, because now, so are you.

Embracing the Transformation: Living Abroad as a Catalyst for Change

Living abroad rewires how you see the world, your place in it and even yourself. It’s not always easy, and it’s rarely picture-perfect. You’ll stumble over unfamiliar words, question your decisions and find yourself longing for the comforts of home. But those very challenges are what make the experience so profound.

Every misstep teaches you resilience. Every cultural exchange broadens your perspective. And every new connection reminds you that humanity, in all its diversity, is more interconnected than you ever imagined. 

The transformation doesn’t happen all at once; it sneaks up on you in moments — like when you suddenly realize you’re navigating your new life with confidence or when your old assumptions feel too narrow to contain your new worldview. It teaches you that stepping out of your comfort zone is where the real magic happens.

Whether you’re chasing personal growth, professional opportunities or simply an adventure, living abroad is a testament to the transformative power of saying yes to the unknown. So pack your bags, take the leap and embrace the world — not just as a traveler, but as someone ready to be changed by it. –Ramona Lucia

Epic Cycling Tours in South Asia: Explore India and Sri Lanka

Pedal your way through the Rajasthan desert, Kerala’s lush backwaters and Sri Lanka’s scenic tea trails for a biking journey like no other.

Two men ride bikes past men on camels and Islamic buildings in the desert of Rajasthan

South Asia is a cyclist’s paradise, offering diverse landscapes, rich cultural heritage and unforgettable adventures. Combining India and Sri Lanka in one cycling tour allows you to experience the best of both worlds — India’s vibrant chaos and ancient traditions paired with Sri Lanka’s tropical serenity and natural beauty. In this guide, we’ll explore the highlights of cycling in both countries, the best routes and the ideal times to travel.

Three people ride bikes through a crowded street in India, with food vendors and auto rickshaws

Cycling in India: A Journey Through Diversity

India’s vast and varied geography makes it a dream destination for cyclists. From the rugged Himalayas to the serene backwaters of Kerala, and the golden sands of Rajasthan to the Western Ghats, an India bike tour offers a glimpse into the country’s rich cultural heritage and stunning natural landscapes.

Best Cycling Routes in India

A bearded tattooed man rides a bike along the Leh to Manali Highway in India

Leh to Manali Highway

Highlights: This iconic route in the Himalayas takes you through high-altitude mountain passes, including Rohtang La and Baralacha La, with stunning views of snow-capped peaks and remote valleys.

Skill level: Advanced

Best time: June to September, when the passes are open and the weather is mild.

A couple ride their bikes past gorgeous buildings in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

Rajasthan Desert Circuit

Highlights: Pedal through the Thar Desert, visiting historic cities like Jodhpur, Jaipur and Jaisalmer. Explore palaces, forts and vibrant local markets.

Skill level: Intermediate

Best time: October to March, when the desert heat is bearable.

A family bikes along a river past rice terraces and Hindu temples in Kerala, India

Kerala Backwaters

Highlights: Cycle through palm-fringed roads, lush tea plantations in Munnar and tranquil backwaters in Alleppey. The route blends nature with cultural stops at temples and spice plantations.

Skill level: Beginner to intermediate

Best time: November to February, during the cool and dry season.

Two men bike past a beach in Goa, India

Goa’s Coastal Trails

Highlights: Discover sandy beaches, Portuguese-era churches, and vibrant nightlife while cycling along Goa’s coastal roads and forested interiors.

Skill level: Beginner

Best time: October to February, after the monsoon rains.

A person with pink hair rides a bike through the Indian countryside

Cycling in Sri Lanka: The Island of Serendipity

A Sri Lanka bike tour offers a compact yet diverse cycling experience. Its scenic routes take you through tea plantations, ancient ruins, tropical beaches and wildlife-rich national parks. The island’s friendly locals and vibrant culture add to the charm of a cycling holiday here.

Best Cycling Routes in Sri Lanka

A woman rides her bike past temples, elephants and historic buildings in the Sri Lanka Cultural Triangle

Cultural Triangle Loop

Highlights: Explore ancient cities like Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa, and Sigiriya. This route combines history with stunning landscapes and opportunities to spot wildlife like elephants.

Skill level: Intermediate

Best time: January to April and August to October, avoiding the heavy monsoon rains.

A man and woman ride their bikes past a waterfall in Sri Lanka's Tea Country

Tea Country Trails

Highlights: Cycle through the rolling hills and tea plantations of Nuwara Eliya and Ella, with stops at waterfalls, colonial-era towns, and scenic viewpoints.

Skill level: Intermediate

Best time: December to March, when the weather in the central highlands is cool and pleasant.

A whale breeches in the water as two people ride along a road on Sri Lanka's southern coast

Southern Coastal Route

Highlights: Pedal along Sri Lanka’s pristine southern coastline, passing through Galle, Mirissa, and Tangalle. Enjoy ocean views, historic sites, and opportunities for whale watching.

Skill level: Beginner

Best time: November to April, during the dry season along the southern coast.

Two men ride bikes through Sri Lanka's Knuckles Mountains

Knuckles Mountain Range

Highlights: Tackle the rugged trails of this UNESCO World Heritage site, known for its biodiversity and panoramic views. This is perfect for mountain biking enthusiasts.

Skill level: Advanced

Best time: February to September, avoiding the monsoon.

A Muslim woman in a headscarf rides her bike through India's green Western Ghats

Planning Your Multi-Country Cycling Adventure

Best Time to Bike Through India and Sri Lanka

  • Winter (November to February): Ideal for both India and Sri Lanka, offering cool, dry weather perfect for cycling.

  • Early spring (March): Suitable for southern India and Sri Lanka’s highlands before temperatures rise.

A man wheels his bike through an airport

Travel Tips for Cycling in South Asia

  1. Visas and travel logistics: Ensure you have the necessary visas for both countries. Flights between India and Sri Lanka are frequent and affordable.

  2. Bike transport: Many airlines accommodate bicycles, but you can also rent high-quality bikes locally in both countries.

  3. Guided vs. self-guided: Opt for guided tours if you’re unfamiliar with local roads and terrain. These often include support vehicles and accommodations.

People ride their bikes to a Diwali celebration in India

Cultural Highlights of India and Sri Lanka

  • India: Don’t miss vibrant festivals like Holi (March) or Diwali (October/November).

  • Sri Lanka: Explore local markets, enjoy a traditional rice and curry meal, and experience its Buddhist heritage.

Two Indians ride their bikes through Jodhpur

Gear Up for the Ride of a Lifetime 

Cycling through India and Sri Lanka combines adventure, culture and natural beauty, offering a once-in-a-lifetime experience for any cycling enthusiast. Whether you’re climbing Himalayan passes, cruising along the Kerala backwaters or pedaling through Sri Lanka’s tea plantations, the journey promises unforgettable memories and unparalleled diversity. –Nel Duman

How to Celebrate Yule: Rituals, Traditions and the Magic of the Winter Solstice

The ultimate guide to Yule for Wiccans, with rituals, spellworks and history to honor the sun’s rebirth and embrace the magic of renewal and light.

The world outside is blanketed in silence. Snow falls softly, covering the earth in a thick, sparkling layer of white. The air is crisp and biting, your breath visible as it rises in little puffs. The trees, bare and skeletal, stretch their branches toward the sky like ancient sentinels standing watch over the longest night of the year. Above, the full moon hangs heavy, casting an ethereal glow over the frozen landscape, while the stars twinkle like distant flames in the deep, velvety sky.

It’s Yule, the Winter Solstice, the longest night and shortest day of the year. As the world sits in quiet darkness, a sense of anticipation builds. This night marks not only the peak of winter’s cold embrace but also the moment when the sun begins its slow return. From this point onward, the days will lengthen, and light will slowly reclaim its place, reminding us that even in the darkest of times, warmth and life are never far behind.

For Wiccans and many pagans, Yule is a celebration of this return of the sun, the rebirth of light and the turning of the Wheel of the Year. It’s a time to gather around the fire with loved ones, to reflect on the year gone by and to welcome the new beginnings that are yet to come. The fire burns bright in the hearth, candles flicker on windowsills, and evergreens — symbols of eternal life — adorn homes, filling the air with the crisp, fragrant scent of pine and holly.

Yule invites us to embrace the stillness of winter, to honor the darkness, and to celebrate the hope that the sun will rise again, bringing light, warmth and growth. Whether you light a candle to honor the sun’s rebirth, feast with friends and family, or simply sit in quiet reflection, this guide will walk you through the history, traditions and rituals that make Yule a magical and deeply meaningful celebration.

The Myth of Yule

Ah, Yule — the festival where, much like the phoenix, the sun rises from its metaphorical ashes and decides it’s had enough of lounging around on the other side of the world. But, like all good tales, this one involves conflict — a dramatic showdown between two competitive gentlemen: the Oak King and the Holly King.

The Oak King, representing the light half of the year, and the Holly King, his darker, moodier counterpart, have been at it for eons — locked in a rivalry as old as time. Think of them as cosmic frenemies, each vying for control of the sky, though it’s a bit more theatrical than your standard sibling squabble. Twice a year, they meet for their biannual smackdown. The setting? The solstices. The stakes? Oh, nothing major — just the fate of the entire year’s light cycle.

Now, at Yule, the Holly King is feeling pretty smug. He’s been reigning supreme since the Summer Solstice, when he decisively put the Oak King in his place and sent him packing. He’s ruled over the dimming days, the dark nights and the frosty weather like a boss. But, as we reach the winter solstice, the Holly King’s grip starts to weaken. The days have been getting shorter and shorter — but there’s a catch. You see, just when the Holly King reaches the pinnacle of his power, the Oak King, ever persistent, stages his comeback.

On the longest night of the year, the battle resumes. The Oak King, brushing off snowflakes and armed with a gleaming axe, steps onto the stage. The Holly King, not to be outdone, draws his sword, his eyes glinting with cold determination. They clash — icy winds howl, snow swirls, and for a moment, it’s anyone’s game. Ultimately, it’s time for the Holly King to take a backseat. He’s had a good run, but the Oak King’s time has come. As the first rays of dawn break over the horizon, it’s clear: The sun is reborn, and the Oak King is back in business.

And so, the wheel of the year turns again. The days will grow longer, the sun stronger, and the world will start to thaw. Don’t worry about the Holly King, though; he’ll bide his time until midsummer, when he’ll no doubt make his grand return, all dark capes and icy glares, ready to steal the show once more.

So, as you light your Yule candles or toss a log on the fire, remember the eternal tug-of-war between light and dark, life and death, warmth and cold. And perhaps raise a glass to the Oak King, who, once again, has saved us from the endless night — at least for the next six months.

Symbols and Correspondences of Yule

Yule is positively brimming with symbols, each wrapped in centuries of lore and ready to be unwrapped like a Christmas gift. Let’s take a look at a few of these festive icons, each carrying its own bit of magic, meaning and mystery.

Evergreens (Holly, Ivy, Mistletoe): Symbols of Eternal Life and Protection

Ah, evergreens — the overachievers of the plant world. While everything else is shriveling, freezing or just giving up entirely for the winter, evergreens stand tall, a verdant middle finger to the cold. Holly, ivy, mistletoe, pine — they all have one thing in common: They refuse to go quietly into the night. The Celts thought this was so impressive they decided evergreens must be magical, symbolizing eternal life. Holly, with its shiny leaves and scarlet berries, was believed to ward off evil spirits. Mistletoe, a parasite, sure, but a charming one, was hung up in homes to offer protection (and, naturally, a socially acceptable excuse for a kiss).

So, when you deck the halls with boughs of holly or hang up that mistletoe, you’re not just decorating — you’re invoking ancient protective powers.

Candles and Fire: Symbols of Light’s Return

At Yule, candles and fires aren’t just for ambiance or Instagrammable moments of cozy glow. These flames represent something far more significant — the sun itself, and, more specifically, its triumphant return. In the darkest depths of winter, the simple act of lighting a candle was a declaration of hope. “Take that, longest night of the year,” it says. “The light will return, and when it does, we’ll be ready.”

The Yule Log: A Beacon of Hope and Renewal

In ancient times, families would drag in the biggest, sturdiest log they could find (preferably oak), place it in the hearth, and set it alight. The bigger the log, the longer the burn, and the longer the burn, the more protection, luck and prosperity for the household in the new year. Burned offerings — spices, wine, a bit of bread — would be thrown onto the flames, offering a little extra encouragement for the sun’s return.

Now, most of us don’t have massive hearths waiting for 20-pound logs, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy a Yule log tradition. A simple candle, or even the famous chocolate Yule log (more commonly known as a bûche de Noël), will do the trick. Just be sure to send up a quick thank you to the ancient sun gods as you devour it.

Apples and Oranges: A Nod to the Sun

What’s more fitting for a sun-worshiping holiday than fruits that resemble, well, the sun itself? Apples and oranges, especially when studded with cloves, have long been used in Yule celebrations to symbolize abundance and the promise of the sun’s return. Hang them from your Yule tree or place them on your altar, and they’ll serve as a reminder that even in the depths of winter, the seeds of future growth are quietly preparing to sprout. Plus, they smell divine — an added bonus.

Sun Wheels: The Circle of Life (and Light)

The sun wheel, an ancient symbol that looks suspiciously like a festive wreath or a beautifully crafted pastry, represents the ever-turning wheel of the year and the rebirth of the sun at Yule. Made from woven branches or even metal, sun wheels were sometimes burned as offerings to ensure the sun’s strength in the coming year. These days, they’re more likely to adorn doors, windows or mantles, reminding us of the cyclical nature of life, death and rebirth.

So, when you hang your wreath this Yule, you’re not just decorating for the season — you’re participating in a centuries-old tradition celebrating the eternal cycle of light and darkness.

Yule Ritual: Casting a Spell for Renewal and Protection

At Yule, dive into the heart of Wiccan magic and cast a spell that harnesses the energy of the sun’s rebirth. This spell will help you clear away the remnants of the dark half of the year and invoke protection, renewal and strength as the days grow longer.

What You’ll Need:

  • A gold or yellow candle

  • A black candle

  • Bay leaves

  • Cinnamon sticks

  • Evergreen sprigs

  • A bowl of water

  • A small mirror

  • A piece of red string or ribbon

Step 1: Set the space. 

Begin by setting up your altar or sacred space with the candles, bay leaves, cinnamon sticks, evergreens, and the mirror. Make sure your space feels powerful and magical. Dim the lights, light some incense, and play soft music if that enhances your focus. Cast a magic circle if you’d like. 

Hold the gold candle in your hands and visualize the energy of the sun, glowing and full of life. Feel its warmth radiating through your palms, filling you with strength. Place the candle on your altar and say:

On this longest night, I call upon the light of the sun to return, bringing warmth, growth and renewal.

Now, place the black candle next to it, symbolizing the darkness you’re releasing. Light it and say:

I release all that no longer serves me, clearing the path for new beginnings.

Step 2: Create a protective charm. 

Take the bay leaves and cinnamon sticks and bind them together with the red string. As you tie the bundle, focus on the protective energy you’re weaving into it. Imagine it creating a shield around you that will carry you through the rest of winter. 

As you do, say:

With this charm, I cast a circle of protection. By the power of fire and earth, air and water, I call upon the ancient forces to guard me and mine.

Hold the charm over the flame of the black candle (without burning it) to draw out any lingering negativity. Then, place it beside the gold candle, allowing the sun’s energy to charge it with power.

Step 3: Cast a spell of renewal. 

Now, take the bowl of water and place it in front of the gold candle. Hold the mirror so that it catches the candlelight and reflects it into the water. This symbolizes the sun’s light returning to the Earth and bringing renewal with it. As you reflect the light, visualize the days growing longer and your spirit growing stronger.

Hold your hand over the water and say:

As the sun returns, so do I. I call upon the light to cleanse and renew. With the rising sun, I am reborn, stronger, wiser and protected.

Dip your fingers into the water and anoint your forehead, heart and hands, imagining yourself infused with the sun’s warmth and power. You are renewed, ready to step into the new year with strength and purpose.

Step 4: Seal the spell. 

Blow out the black candle, signifying the end of the old year’s darkness. Let the gold candle burn a little longer, allowing its light to fill the room.

Take the protective charm you made, and hang it by your front door, in your bedroom or near your sacred space to keep the energy of Yule with you in the coming months.

Close the ritual by thanking the elements and the sun for their presence, saying:

I thank the light, the earth, the air, the water and the fire for their blessings and protection. As the wheel turns, so too do I step forward, renewed and guarded by the power of the sun.

When you’re ready, blow out the gold candle and keep the bowl of water near your altar until the next sunrise.

This ritual uses spellwork to actively clear away the dark energy of the past year while inviting in the protective, renewing power of the reborn sun. It blends Wiccan symbolism with practical magic and creates a lasting charm to carry the energy of Yule with you.

Feasting and Celebrating Yule: A Harvest of Warmth and Flavor

Yule is also about filling your home (and belly) with warmth, flavor and the essence of the season. The Winter Solstice may be the darkest night, but that’s no reason not to throw a feast! After all, what better way to welcome the sun’s return than with food that radiates comfort and prosperity?

Traditional Yule Foods: Hearty and Warming

At the heart of Yule is the tradition of feasting. In ancient times, communities would come together to share in the abundance of their harvest, creating meals that symbolized the warmth and life that would soon return with the sun. The foods of Yule are rich and hearty—designed to ward off the winter chill and celebrate the season’s bounty.

For your own Yule feast, you don’t need to go full medieval (though that could be fun). A modern Yule dinner could be as simple as a cozy, comforting meal shared with friends or loved ones. 

By gathering to share food and drink, you’re honoring the cycles of life and death, darkness and light, and celebrating the promise of new beginnings. The table itself becomes a magical space where intentions for the coming year are set and blessings are shared.

Here are some classic Yule foods to inspire your feast:

  • Roasted meats: Think roasted beef, pork or chicken, seasoned with warming spices like cinnamon and cloves. These dishes evoke the strength and vitality of the returning sun.

  • Root vegetables: Potatoes, carrots, parsnips — these hearty, earthy vegetables represent the grounding energy of winter and the promise of future growth.

  • Mulled wine or cider: Spiced with cinnamon, cloves and oranges, these beverages are practically a hug in a cup. The warmth of the drink mirrors the warmth of the sun that will soon return.

  • Dried fruits and nuts: A staple for any Yule feast, they symbolize abundance and are perfect for snacking throughout the long night.

  • Yule log cake (bûche de Noël): This festive dessert is a nod to the ancient tradition of burning the Yule log — but it’s much tastier and a bit less flammable.

  • Winter stews and soups: Fill your home with the aroma of a slow-cooked stew, featuring root vegetables, beans and hearty meats. A thick, warming soup made with squash, pumpkin or potatoes can also be a perfect addition to your Yule table.

  • Holiday breads: Baking bread is a timeless ritual that honors the spirit of giving and abundance. Whether you’re making a simple loaf or a sweet, spiced bread with dried fruits, the process of kneading and baking is a magical one. For a special touch, consider adding a hidden charm to the dough. The person who finds it gets a blessing for the year ahead!

Gifts and Feasting: The Spirit of Generosity

If there’s one thing Yule is known for (besides the battle of cosmic brothers and setting logs on fire), it’s the feasting. Tables groan under the weight of hearty stews, roasted meats, spiced ciders and every baked good you can imagine. Why? Because Yule is about abundance, generosity, and celebrating the fact that we’ve made it this far into the dark and cold.

And then there are the gifts. While some modern traditions might have blurred the lines with Christmas, the ancient Yule spirit of giving was all about sharing what you had — whether that was food, drink or handmade tokens of goodwill. The act of exchanging gifts symbolized the abundance of the harvest and the warmth of community, ensuring everyone would be well prepared for the rest of winter.

This Yule, consider giving gifts that carry deeper meaning:

Handmade crafts or foods: Whether it’s a jar of homemade jam, a batch of spiced cookies or a knitted scarf, these gifts carry the personal touch that speaks to the heart of Yule.

Symbolic items: Think sun-shaped ornaments, candles, or small bundles of herbs for protection and warmth — gifts that celebrate the light and magic of the season.

As you exchange gifts, remember that this is a time to give from the heart, whether it’s something tangible or simply the gift of your presence and kindness. After all, Yule is as much about the warmth of community as it is about the return of the sun.

Yule Crafts and Activities: Channeling Your Inner Witchy Maker

Yule is the perfect time to get crafty — after all, what better way to spend a cold winter night? Whether you’re decorating your home or making charms for the season, these Yule crafts are more than just fun projects — they’re imbued with the power of renewal, protection and celebration.

Yule Sun Ornaments: Crafting Light for the Tree

Honor the rebirth of the sun by decorating your Yule tree with your own handcrafted sun ornaments. These shining symbols can be made with materials you probably already have lying around.

What You’ll Need:

  • Twigs or cinnamon sticks

  • Twine or yarn

  • Gold or yellow paint

  • Glue or a hot glue gun


  • Arrange your twigs or cinnamon sticks in a sunburst pattern, gluing them at the center. You can make it as simple or intricate as you like — get creative!

  • Once the glue has dried, paint the tips of the sticks in gold or yellow to represent the sun’s rays.

  • Tie a piece of twine or yarn to the center, creating a loop so you can hang your sun ornament on your Christmas tree.

Magical twist: As you craft your sun ornaments, focus on the energy of the sun returning. Each twig or cinnamon stick represents a ray of light, bringing warmth and renewal into your home. When you hang your ornaments, say:

I hang this sun with joy and light,
May it bless my home on the longest night.

Evergreen Protection Charms: The Magic of Nature

Evergreens are classic Yule symbols of protection and eternal life, and creating small charms from their branches is a powerful way to infuse your home with magical energy. These protection charms are not only magical but also beautiful and fragrant.

What You’ll Need:

  • Sprigs of evergreen (holly, pine, cedar or ivy)

  • Red ribbon or twine

  • Small bells or charms


  • Gather small sprigs of evergreen and tie them together with red ribbon or twine, creating a mini Yule bouquet.

  • For extra magic, attach a small bell or charm to your bundle. The bell helps ward off negative energy, while the charm can represent whatever energy you wish to invoke — protection, love or prosperity.

  • Hang your protection charms around your home — by the door, on windows, or even on your Christmas tree.

Magical twist: As you tie the ribbon, visualize the evergreen’s protective energy surrounding your home. Say: 

With this charm, I call the Yule’s light,
To shield my home through day and night.
Guard it well with peace and grace,
Protect all hearts within this space.

Magical Spell Jars: Capturing Yule’s Energy

Yule is all about the rebirth of the sun, and a spell jar can help capture that energy to carry with you through the darker months. These little jars are packed with intention and can be customized with herbs, crystals and other magical ingredients.

What You’ll Need:

  • A small glass jar with a lid

  • Salt

  • Cinnamon

  • Bay leaf

  • Sunstone or clear quartz

  • A small yellow or gold candle


  • Layer the salt, cinnamon, bay leaf and crystal inside the jar. As you add each ingredient, focus on the intention you’re setting: protection, renewal or whatever energy you want to bring into your life.

  • Seal the jar and place it on your altar or near a window to catch the sunlight (or moonlight on Yule night).

  • Light the yellow or gold candle and drip some of the wax on the lid to seal the magic inside.

Magical twist: Hold the jar in your hands and say:

By the power of Yule, I capture the light,
To guide me through the darkest night.
With sun and warmth, this spell is cast,
May its magic endure and forever last.

Yule Wreaths: Weaving Magic and Life

A wreath made from evergreens, holly and ivy acts as decoration as well as a circle of life and magic, representing the neverending cycle of the seasons. Weaving your own Yule wreath is a beautiful way to welcome the season’s energy into your home.

What You’ll Need:

  • A wire wreath frame (or bendable branches to form a circle)

  • Evergreen branches (holly, pine, cedar, ivy)

  • Red ribbons or berries

  • Small ornaments, cinnamon sticks or dried orange slices (optional)


  • Weave the evergreen branches into your wreath frame, securing them with twine or wire. Take your time, letting the process be meditative and magical.

  • Add your decorations — ribbons, berries, ornaments — anything that feels festive and magical to you.

  • Hang your wreath on your door or place it on your altar to invite Yule’s energy into your space.

Magical twist: As you weave the wreath, visualize the cycle of the year turning, with each branch representing a season. Say:

With this wreath, I honor the Wheel of the Year,
As it turns, we renew, ever growing, ever clear.

Yule Herbal Sachets: Spreading the Magic

Herbal sachets are a simple yet powerful way to infuse your home with the magical energy of Yule. These sachets can be made with protective herbs and placed around your home to invite protection, warmth and abundance.

What You’ll Need:

  • Small fabric pouches or squares of cloth

  • Dried herbs such as rosemary, cinnamon and pine needles

  • Red ribbon or thread


  • Fill each pouch or cloth square with your chosen herbs. Focus on your intention as you combine them, imagining the magical energy each herb holds.

  • Tie the pouch shut with red ribbon or thread. 

  • Place the sachets near windows, under pillows or in corners of your home to spread Yule’s protective magic.

Magical twist: As you tie the sachet, chant:

Herbs of Yule, protect and renew. 
Bring warmth and light the whole year through.

Yule Divination

With Yule’s frosty atmosphere, let’s harness the power of crystals and ice for divination. These methods evoke the crispness of winter and the clarity that comes with the stillness of the solstice night. Both of these tools tap into Yule’s reflective, introspective energy while bringing a touch of magic.

Crystal Gazing: Tapping Into Yule’s Light

Crystals are powerful tools for channeling energy, and during Yule, they can help you see what lies ahead as the sun returns. The key here is choosing a crystal that resonates with the energy of the solstice — clear quartz, sunstone or citrine — and allowing its clarity to guide your visions.

What You’ll Need:

  • A clear quartz, sunstone or citrine crystal

  • A dark cloth to set the mood

  • A gold or white candle for illumination

  • A quiet space for focusing


  • Begin by cleansing your crystal with a bit of sage smoke or by running it under cool water.

  • Set your dark cloth on a table and place the crystal in the center. Light the candle and set it near the crystal so that its light reflects off the crystal’s surface, casting shimmering, magical patterns.

  • Sit quietly, focus on the light bouncing through the crystal, and let your gaze soften. Allow your mind to relax and open, and ask a question or set an intention for what insight you’re seeking during this Yule season.

  • After a few minutes, note any images, symbols or thoughts that come to mind. These could be shapes within the crystal itself or intuitive impressions that arise. Trust your inner knowing and let the crystal reveal its messages.

Magical twist: Visualize the warm energy of the sun returning to the world, infusing the crystal with its light. Hold the crystal and say:

I call upon the sun’s bright ray,
To guide me through each darkened day.
Reveal the path that lies in sight,
As days grow long and shadows light.

The crystal will now be charged with your intention, becoming a magical tool for you to revisit whenever you need clarity during the winter months. 

Ice Scrying: Messages From Winter’s Depths

In the spirit of Yule’s frosty season, ice scrying is a powerful method of divination. The cold, reflective surface of ice is perfect for channeling the mysterious energies of winter, helping you see deeper into the unseen and unlocking the answers hidden within.

What You’ll Need:

  • A shallow bowl of water

  • A freezer (or outdoors, if it’s cold enough)

  • A candle (white, silver or gold)

  • Herbs like bay leaves or rosemary for added magic


  • Prepare the ice. Pour a shallow layer of water into your bowl. If you want to add some magical flair, float herbs like bay leaves (for wisdom) or rosemary (for protection) in the water before freezing it. Place the bowl in your freezer (or outside if it’s cold enough) until it’s completely frozen.

    Set the space. Once the water has turned to ice, take it out and set the bowl on your altar or a table. Light your candle and place it near the bowl so the flame reflects on the ice, creating shadows and light patterns.

  • Chant. As you stare into the ice, say:

    Through the stillness of ice, I seek to know,
    The wisdom of darkness, the secrets below.
    Reveal what Yule’s bright light will bring,
    As the ice melts and awakens spring.

  • Scry the ice. Sit quietly in front of the ice and focus on the reflections created by the candlelight. Let your gaze soften, and as you stare into the ice, ask your question or set an intention. Allow the patterns of light and the cracks in the ice to reveal symbols or messages. Let your intuition guide you as images form. You may see shapes, animals or abstract patterns that carry personal significance. 

  • Interpret. After gazing into the ice, take a moment to reflect on what you’ve seen. The way the ice forms cracks or the reflections shift can reveal different messages depending on the question you’ve asked. Feel free to take notes on what symbols stood out and how they resonate with your current situation.

When you’re finished, allow the ice to melt naturally, symbolizing the gradual return of warmth and light to your life. You can pour the water onto your plants or return it to the earth, completing the cycle of life.

Embracing the Shadows and Honoring the Past

Winter may bring long nights and cold winds, but it also brings clarity. During this time, the earth itself rests, regenerating for the year ahead. Just as nature retreats and renews in the dark, so too can we. The shadows have their own lessons to teach: patience, introspection and the wisdom that comes from stillness.

By embracing the shadows, you recognize that growth happens in the most unexpected places. Even in the darkest times, we can find seeds of renewal that will bloom in the light.

Yule teaches us that both darkness and light are necessary for growth. By embracing the longest night, we prepare ourselves to receive the light that will carry us through the next cycle of the year. This season is a reminder that even in the depths of winter, life is stirring, waiting for its moment to return. –Wally