united states

Alaska’s Natural Wonders: An Adventurous Traveler’s Guide to the Last Frontier

The best of Alaska: the glaciers, boreal forests, grizzlies, moose, eagles, orcas and rugged coastlines of the Alaska wilderness.

Alaska pond and stream surrounded by greenery with mountains in the background

True explorers can discover the untamed beauty of Alaska: glaciers, forests, wildlife and rugged coastlines.

It’s been referred to as the “Last Frontier” — and for good reason. Alaska is one of the few great wildernesses remaining in the United States. This breathtaking, diverse expanse is an extraordinary spectacle: a diverse landscape of towering glaciers, rugged mountain peaks, vast empty tundras and dramatic coastal plains. It’s one of the most exciting places in the world to explore for adventurous travelers and is packed full of natural wonders waiting to be discovered. 

Massive white cruise ship in the ice-filled waters of Alaska with snow-covered mountains in the background

Aboard an Alaskan cruise, every view is a postcard moment.

An Alaskan cruise opens up a world of awe-inspiring beauty and lets you get to the heart of this remote yet stunning corner of the world. Discover the best landscapes of Alaska’s varied and surprisingly diverse wilderness.

Autumnal tundra with narrow evergreens and snowy mountains of Alaska

Denali, aka Mount McKinley, is the tallest mountain in North America, standing at an impressive height of 20,310 feet (6,190 meters).

Glacier-Carved Mountains

Towering mountain ranges are a constant feature of the Alaskan landscape. Dramatic peaks and rugged ridges dominate the vistas, crowned by snow, ice and glaciers. Some of the continent’s highest summits can be found in the 49th state, including Mount Denali, the tallest mountain in North America. These peaks and valleys, carved over thousands of years by migrating glaciers, are a remarkable place for outdoor enthusiasts to explore, and a great place for hiking, mountaineering and wildlife watching.

Part of a glacier in Alaska slides into the water

Some of the numerous glaciers in Alaska are 30,000 years old!

Majestic Glaciers

Alaska’s glaciers are some of the state’s most popular attractions. The vast ice fields that cover over 100,000 square miles are actually ancient rivers of ice, constantly shifting and imperceptibly flowing, and are responsible for sculpting most of what constitutes the landscape of Alaska. 

While exploring Alaska’s glaciers isn’t for the faint-hearted, a hike over one of these frozen monuments is a unique and breathtaking experience, and you will stand gaping in awe at the towering ice walls, deep crevasses and shimmering blue ice caves. It truly is transcendental. For the less adventurous, a helicopter ride over the ice is also a treat.

Foggy Alaskan forest at sunset with mountains lining the rose-colored horizon

The boreal forest in Alaska takes up about 65% of the state’s land mass.

Wildlife-Rich Forests

Many people think of Alaska as a barren wasteland, but its boreal forests are actually teeming with life and offer an important habitat for a huge variety of flora and fauna. Enormous stands of spruce, fir and cedar spread far and wide across the state and are home to a remarkable variety of ecosystems and natural beauty.

Two moose (one standing, one laying down) in the grass in Alaska

Up to 8,000 moose are hunted every year in Alaska.

Kodiak bear touches its nose to the nose of its cub in Alaska amid plants

Kodiak are members of the grizzly family and are only found on an archipelago in Alaska.

Filled with meandering rivers, tranquil lakes and pristine wetlands, Alaska’s forests are a wonderful way to see the richness and diversity of the state up close. They also offer the chance to encounter some of the Last Frontier’s most iconic wildlife, including grizzlies, moose, wolves and eagles, as well as some more hidden gems such as caribou, lynx and wolverines. 

An American flag flies by colorful building on wooden supports over a creek in Ketchikan, Alaska

Quaint Ketchikan is known as Alaska’s “first city.”

Coastal Marvels

It’s hard to do justice to the rough, rugged magnificence of Alaska’s coastline. Stretching for over 6,600 miles, it stands in stark contrast to the wilderness of the interior, serving up a landscape of rocky cliffs, hidden coves and eye-catching beaches, as well as charming fishing villages and delightful old towns.

An orca jumps in the water by another with just its fin visible in the waters of Alaska

Orcas, aka killer whales, are actually dolphins. But the other part of their name is apt: They’re apex predators that hunt and consume sharks, baby whales and seals.

The coastline also gives visitors the chance to discover Alaska’s marine marvels, with whale watching a particular highlight. The abundant wildlife just offshore includes orcas, sea otters, dolphins and harbor seals. 

Purple flowers by a pond and snow-flecked mountains in Alaska

Alaska: where adventure meets awe-inspiring beauty.

The beauty and diversity of Alaska’s landscapes cannot be overstated, and a trip to this wonderful state provides adventure, excitement and natural wonders in equal measure. This stunning destination offers a chance to reconnect with nature and should be on every traveler’s bucket list! –Boris Dzhingarov

The Monsters of “Supernatural,” Season 1, Episodes 7-9

What’s a poltergeist, what are the urban legends about the Hook Man, and how do you break Indian curses?

Get away from the TV, Carol Anne! The poltergeist is gonna get you!

The movie Poltergeist scared (and scarred) countless kids of my generation. The image of doomed little Carol Anne putting her hands on the static-buzzing TV and creepily uttering, “They’re heeeeerrrre” is ingrained in our brains. It cemented our fear of clowns. And we’ll never forgive that strange little lady falsely proclaiming, “The house is clean.”

My family saw the movie on vacation at our time share on Lake Chelan, Washington. At the time, I had a stuffed monkey that I hid in the downstairs closet ’cause I was sure he’d try to strangle me with his tail while I slept.

The Hook Man acts as a sort of morality police, punishing (and killing) young couples who naughtily engage in sex.

Now a new generation has made acquaintance with a poltergeist in the form of Peeves, the ghostly prankster roaming Hogwarts Castle in the Harry Potter novels. Peeves has his dark side, though he’s more mischievous than menacing.



The killer from I Know What You Did Last Summer plays upon our collective fear of the Hook Man

Monster: The Hook Man of urban legend

Where it’s from: The United States

Description: A teenage couple pulls into a lover’s lane and starts to make out. But upon hearing an announcer on the radio warning that a convicted murderer with a hook for a hand has escaped the local insane asylum, the girl insists on leaving. The boy keeps trying to score, but the girl rebuffs his advances. Frustrated, the boy guns the engine and drives her home in a huff. As the girl gets out of the car, she starts screaming. The boy runs over and sees what she’s freaking out about: Hanging from the car door is a bloody hook.

What it does: The Hook Man acts as a sort of morality police, punishing (and killing) young couples who naughtily engage in sex.

How to defeat it: There’s a powerful spirit deterrent you’ve already got in your kitchen cabinet: salt. In the Judeo-Christian tradition, salt was used to consecrate items and to seal covenants. Buddhists believe salt repels evil spirits. Even sumo wrestlers cleanse their matches by throwing a handful of salt into the center of the ring — a Shinto practice.

S1E8: “Bugs”

Is this a natural swarm of insects — or the result of a Native American curse?

Monster: Murderous insects

Where it’s from: The United States

Description: The bugs are driven to kill because of a Native American curse upon the land, proclaiming that nature will rise up against the white man. There are numerous places around the country that are said to suffer Indian curses.

It’s never a good idea to build your home on Indian burial grounds

What it does: Native American tribes didn’t tend to be very fond of insects, seeing them as swarming, biting and crop-destroying harbingers of disease, black magic and bad luck. So it’s not surprising that in this case, bugs burrow into a construction worker’s brain and spiders bite a realtor to death.

How to defeat it: Dean and Sam don’t break the curse; they just survive the plague of insects. But a helpful fellow on Facebook recommends the following prayer to cleanse the land from curses:

“Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, through the power of His shed blood, by that name and by that authority, I remit the sins that have been committed here as many generations back as needs be: to the very first thoughts, words, deeds or gestures.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I break the covenant of death. I command that it be finished from this time forth: no more death, no more rape and no more murder in this place.

We dedicate this land back to the Lord Jesus Christ, that every person entering this place from this time forth to do any kind of oath, covenant, curse, fetish or agreement with the unfruitful works of darkness will come face-to-face with the power of the shed blood, and they will have no alternative but to fall down and repent of their wickedness, or they will turn and flee from here, never to return to come back again for this purpose, in Jesus’ name.”

Let us know how it works out!


S1E9: “Home”

Looks like this woman has a serious poltergeist on her hands

Monster: Poltergeist

Where it’s from: While its name is derived from the German for “knocking spirit” (often translated as “noisy ghost”), poltergeists can be found all over the world.

Description: They’re incorporeal and cannot be seen. They’re not considered spirits but rather psychic manifestations brought about by anxiety or stress.

What it does: Poltergeist activity can start out with strange odors, electrical disturbances or objects moving by themselves but often escalates to more violent physical attacks upon those in the home (a coffee pot might fly at your head, for instance).

How to defeat it: Try this:


House Purification Ritual

Make a mixture of:

  • Angelica root (a member of the parsley family used as protection from evil spirits and to break hexes)

  • Van Van oil (a lemongrass-based hoodoo formula popular in New Orleans to drive away evil and provide protection)

  • Crossroads dirt

Put this mixture in the north, south, east and west corners of the home on every floor — and the house should be clean.


But be warned: That’s what the psychic in Poltergeist promised, too. –Wally

What the World Thinks of a President Trump

Spoiler alert: From Europe to Asia to Latin America, the outlook isn’t very optimistic.

All hail, President Trump! What does the rest of the world think of our controversial choice for the Leader of the Free World?

Full disclosure: Duke and I fall into the half of America that was absolutely shocked, mortified and despondent that our next president will be a man who openly lies and regularly spouts sexist and racist remarks.

As we try to come to terms with the idea of a President Trump, we wanted to find out how the rest of the world felt. So we reached out to friends who live abroad or who have family there.

The French are scared like we are.
They keep asking why the overqualified candidate lost to someone with no experience. I can’t answer them.
— Michael, an American living in France

Not surprisingly, the rest of the world seems to be as freaked out as we are. –Wally

Brent, an American living in Taiwan

What a sad day, not only for the U.S. but for the whole world. I think America regressed 50 years today.

Walking down the streets of Taipei, I have always stuck out like a sore thumb: “Mommy, look, waiguoren [a foreigner].” As an American living in Taiwan, you get used to it, but walking the streets today I actually felt ashamed to be American. I felt the stares and whispers more than usual.

Taiwanese very rarely ever talk about politics outside of the home. It’s a bit taboo. Today was different. Many Taiwanese spoke to me, all in utter disbelief about our new president-elect: “How could Americans vote for such an evil person?” “Was there a mistake with the election?” “Can this be overturned?” They are all very scared, and rightfully so I believe.

Taiwanese have always respected and appreciated Americans in Taiwan (the U.S. has done a lot for Taiwan). I think that changed for the worse today, and I imagine that Trump’s crassness will only exacerbate that here in Taiwan and within the international community.

I’m still in shock that America chose this bigot. I’m hoping that I wake up in the morning and it’s all a joke. It is such a joke.

Malcolm, a Welshman living in the United States

On Guy Fawkes Night, Malcolm and his friends burned an effigy of Trump

Actually, we had a little Guy Fawkes Night bonfire for a few Chicago-based Welsh folks on November 5. It’s a tradition to burn an effigy of Guy Fawkes — ours might have borne a passing resemblance to a certain president-elect.

A news crew from Wales stopped by to film it and do a few interviews. Though I don’t think the effigy burning made it past the editors, and just the interviews (in Welsh) aired back in Wales.

For the Lewes Bonfire Night, they burned an enormous Trump effigy.

And here are a few more from around the country.

My cousin in the U.K. did say, “I can’t believe how many Americans voted for this.”

On the bright side, at least we’re (the U.K.) no longer the dumbest country of 2016.


RELATED: Guy Fawkes Day / Bonfire Night: A Bizarre British Holiday

Kent, an American living in France
Europeans are all concerned that democracy in America has completely died. Anti-American sentiment is already being regurgitated from the Bush years.

My boyfriend Michael, my friend Chris and I already had a share of verbal mockery when we were speaking English in the streets of Paris. Some guys were shouting, “Donald Trump” at us. Whether you voted for him or not, America as a whole is seen as responsible.

The German newsmagazine Der Spiegel depicts Trump hurtling toward Earth like a giant meteor with the text, “The End of the World (As We Know It)”

The controversial satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo recently featured a cover that addresses Obama leaving office and the problem of police violence against blacks

Germans are shocked and appalled; they recognize this is the rise of America’s neo-national socialist movement.

Street interviews express disgust, awe and fear. People prefer saying they have zero opinion on Trump because he is not even worth commenting on.

My colleagues and even direct reports are inquiring how the ban on Muslims will impact future travel and training in the U.S. next year: “Will we be excused from our annual meeting in Florida next year?”

France is in a state of panic, as their presidential elections take place next year. The current socialist president, Hollande, has been weak and ineffective, leaving the door wide open for the opposing right, including the Front National, France’s most radical and very real neo-Nazi party. Trump’s win has emboldened and legitimized their campaign going into 2017 so much so that key experts are even predicting a potential win.

Unlike the U.S., any supporter in Europe of Trump’s ascension to power can only be a fellow nationalist and fascist. No middle ground on that.

Europe doesn’t even know how to engage the new American administration. Hollande didn’t even prepare a congratulations communiqué for Trump, as it seemed so unlikely — unfortunately the radical right beat him to the punch.

Europe is essentially as overwhelmed as the U.S. and plunged in an even deeper sense of uncertainty about the future. Germany fears a risk of a relationship breakdown, as they cannot support or work with any government that could cross over into the gray area of human rights violations.

By adding Trump’s win to the Brexit also spells an even more fragile situation for the stability of the European Union. Anti-globalization sentiment is further justified and confirmed now than it has ever been before.

American expats are reconsidering any plans to move back to the U.S. now.

While it’d be wonderful to feel Europe is so disconnected from the U.S., we’re here in our own, protected little island, but the realistic truth is that we’re tied and bolted to the U.S. in so many ways.

The media here is not timid or holding back on opinion. Trump is portrayed exactly as if the U.S. just voted in a fascist to government. Faith in democracy and our future is bleak.

RELATED: American Expats Tell What It’s Really Like to Live in Paris

Andrea, a Puerto Rican living in the United States

With P.R., it gets a bit tricky because my mom’s generation (and older) and my generation have a very different reaction to this whole Trump situation. The simplest way of explaining it is as follows:

For some idiotic reason, millennials don’t want to be part of the U.S. — they want P.R. to become independent (even though we’ve been supported by the U.S. for so long that becoming independent would probably transform P.R. into a third world country like the Dominican Republic). But anyway, my generation’s reaction to Trump winning the presidency is, “Suck it, U.S.! You get what you deserve! You’ve become the circus of the world!”

My mom’s generation (and most of P.R.) on the other hand are very concerned. They are terrified that Trump will take away our citizenship. They are angry that the entire island is obligated to follow the U.S.’s laws and regulations, when they are not even allowed to vote for the U.S. president.

The island’s election happened the same day as the U.S. elections, and the PNP (Partido Nuevo Progresista) won. This party is the one that wants to do everything in their power to make the island a state. But now that Trump won, they’re not sure it’s the best time to request this, considering Trump is a racist and is threatening to take away our citizenship.

It’s a very complex situation.

Aneta, an American with family in Switzerland and Serbia

My Swiss family and I have had a lot of discussions about U.S. politics over the years. They are not fans of the U.S. political system and even refused to visit D.C. when they’ve come here. They seem to believe that our choice reflects the heart of the majority of Americans.

My family in Serbia are also not fans of the U.S. due to the bombings and intervention in the Yugoslav civil war in the ’90s and recently in Kosovo. They hold us responsible for the instability in the Middle East. They relish a bit in the election of Trump, who is seen as a caricature of American arrogance. I don’t think they like Hillary any better because Clinton was president during the civil war in Yugo and they see him responsible for the bombing of civilian schools, restaurants, bridges, etc.

I think their views are not different from most of the world, which is taking some delight in our dirty laundry being televised. But Europeans see our behavior now, with the protests, as American entitlement and temper tantrums. At the end of the day, we are one of the oldest democracies in the world and they respect that. If we believe in the process, we have to accept the results with dignity, even when it doesn’t go our way.

Morgan, an American living in the Netherlands

There are so many feelings and emotions about the recent election of Trump happening here in the Netherlands.

First of all, the entire presidential race was covered by almost every newspaper in the Netherlands. There were at least two articles a day giving the most recent gossip and news. This I found kind of shocking considering that it’s not their country and their election, but it just confirms the fact that the fate of the United States holds the fate of so much of the rest of the world.

Next, lots of people talked to me about the election before the big day. People from all walks of life knew all about it and wanted to tell me how they felt.

I volunteer at a homeless shelter, and one of the main points of conversation lots of the nights was about Trump and how crazy he is and how terrible and scary it would be if he were elected.

One of my other Dutch friends told me that to her Hillary was just the lesser of the two evils. We argued about how she thought Hillary needed to lighten up a bit and her worry that Bill would be involved in the presidency somehow.

The night of the election, we had another American couple over to watch the results. They showed up at 2 a.m. and we started out watching the bad news roll in. It wasn’t until 9 a.m. here that we watched Trump speak and announce his phone call with Clinton. At this point, the entire world lost its mind.

So many of my Dutch friends started texting with their condolences. Screenshots of Dutch Twitter accounts were sent to me by a few people, saying that the Netherlands is very scared for the results and worried about what this means for the future. Many others simply told us that we are always welcome to stay here.

Many people here have told me about their concern for the climate. Others have told me that they’re worried that something like this may happen with the Netherlands in March 2017. Geert Wilders, a very notorious conservative political figure, may now win the general elections. The fact that this has already happened in the U.S. doesn’t help.

This is the government news site for the Netherlands and what they say about Trump. It’s pretty direct and to the point — but it’s clear that they think this was a big mistake and a big step backwards. Newspapers from all over the world have had Trump's face on the front page for days.

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